
Topic: Bitcoiner Personality - MBTI/Keirsey Poll - page 2. (Read 16819 times)

sr. member
Activity: 742
Merit: 250
January 04, 2014, 11:12:52 AM
It says I'm an ESFP? I guess I shouldn't be here at all or perhaps here just for the entertainment value.

Thats right, everybody gots a role... now shut up and dance!  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 742
Merit: 250
January 04, 2014, 10:49:19 AM
Well this is not really good... anywhere where you have only one sort of people, there exists a propability of an error in the assumptions, their theories etc.

I see, and i thought so before even finding this thread, that a LOT of the people here are INTJs, and here it is... Its true...

I didnt read the thread yet, but maybe bitcoin might fail, because a lot of people here belive in it, and a lot of people here thinks in the same way, so theres a propability they might omit some big problem or threats bitcoin might face...

I for example really dont know why so many people can belive in bitcoin and not realize that it can be so simply banned by govs. If governments say so, the bitcoin price will fell drastically and its done... A lot of people as it seems here dont realize that fact... INTJ are often described as soliters not in touch with the majority, independent... So they might not see a terrible problem the bitcoin could face, as the authority of gov. is (which intjs tend to not respect a lot)...

what do you think about the probability of an error due to the same "psychological" type?
sr. member
Activity: 277
Merit: 250
"The public is stupid, hence the public will pay"
January 04, 2014, 09:58:04 AM
Whoa. Totally forgot about this thread. Updated the data, new sample size is n=90. Yay!
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
December 03, 2013, 03:29:27 AM
bottom of the excel spreadsheet.. or here 13qcLj8Cy6qkoX9SJqDRoECjwFZEP6iGm2
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
December 03, 2013, 03:27:44 AM
woah, just searched for this thread to show to a friend, and I see you've made a spreadsheet comparing the demographics to the general population.  Where's your tip jar!?
Activity: 905
Merit: 1000
November 28, 2013, 01:12:57 PM
MBTI is a tool that can give insight into human behavior.  It made a big difference for me.  

When I was growing up, I was often told "treat everyone the same", and "people are basically the same".  That was wrong.  That does not work.

MBTI sorts individuals based on their own stated preferences.

Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I).

Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N).

Decisions: When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency or first look at the people and special circumstances? This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F).

Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).

And this produces 16 types.  Not too many to assimilate if you devote some time and effort to it.  With practice and feedback it is possible to become proficient in determining someone's type by observation (but remember that introverts can be giving off contradictory signals as a mechanism).  If you are tied in any category, look at the other categories.  

First: Understand yourself
Then: Understand other people

hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
November 27, 2013, 01:32:32 AM
Definitely an INFP... Wink
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
November 27, 2013, 01:17:51 AM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

I've read other type descriptions. They seem mostly wrong.

Whoops, forget my post. I think it may come as offensive to some people who are resisting 'new ideas', so I apologize. It might be better to give my own experience.
Anyway that's just my two cents, I've been through 4 years of myers-briggs, each time a different result and now believe it or not, my personality does not match anything it offers. Read up more about it in the skeptic's dictionary before thinking this is something that is true: (if you don't want to read all that, in summary, you can safely conclude Myers-Briggs is a cleverly written statistical test in which a majority of people would fit any given result). Imo, it's impossible to write up a 'personality type' for anyone.

CoinGeneral as you could have seen on page 1...

I-N-tied between T&F-J

Heh. I read and most of it resonated with me, but a bit was just WTF. was mostly WTF. So I guess without reading all the rest, the tie would break in favor of F and not T.

It's not a matter of "resisting new ideas" or anti-skepticism. MBTI is flawed IMO, but not utterly without merit.

1) I was exactly tied between two acronyms according to the numbers of T & F. There was MASSIVE variance between their descriptions IMO, from just a bit WTF to mostly WTF. To approximate, 2% to 98%.
2) I read the other type descriptions months ago, on my own, after testing my parents and seeing their numeric results have near-ties, and their descriptions be similarly divergent to my own tie, with "this one, NOT that one" being the conclusion. The other type descriptions I read were wayyyy off my current personality, and as I thought back to my past, they would have been wayyyy off throughout, as well.

I don't see how the "majority of people would fit any given result" let alone could. Unless my parents and I are in a massive minority.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
November 27, 2013, 12:49:52 AM
I think it's a combination of two factors. First, yes, personality types can change. I was much more introverted and shy in school then I am now, and I was much more of the touchy-feely sensitive type before I became rather jaded. Our life experiences can definitely change our personalities. Second, the different aspects are not completely binary, but on a scale. I used to be almost entirely I, but now I'm closer to 60% I and 40% E. Partially it was because I trained myself to be more outgoing, and partially it was because life simply changed me over time. I am still definitely an I, as I like to spend time on my own, reading or studying, as opposed to paying and going to bars, but you wouldn't notice it if you were to meet me at a conference. So, as people take these tests, they will notice their results change, and some of the results may match them as well as others. Still, I think these tests are useful, since they can give you a base from which to start understanding yourself, as well as a good description of the types of people you can come to interact with.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
November 26, 2013, 10:47:44 PM

How old are you at this moment?  I ask because people can act wildly different while their minds are still maturing, so if you were taking these tests in your teenage years, it's no surprise that the results were flaky; I was far different in HS than I am now, though I can't say if I would've gotten different results since I didn't know about it until recently.  You don't begin activating all of your cognitive functions until ~25-30 years of age I think...

i think i was an INTJ in college.. i have taken a few tests in the past few years and i've consistently scored as an INTP, if that means anything.

That's interesting; consider your cognitive functions:

Leading   Introverted Thinking   Analyzing, categorizing, and evaluating according to principles
Supporting   Extraverted iNtuiting   Interpreting situations and relationships and pickup meanings and interconnections to other contexts
Relief   Introverted Sensing   Reviewing and recalling past experiences and seeking detailed data
Aspirational   Extraverted Feeling   Connecting and considering others and the group

These are flipped in the INTJ:

Leading   Introverted iNtuiting   Foreseeing implications, transformations, and likely effects
Supporting   Extraverted Thinking   Segmenting, organizing for efficiency, and systematizing
Relief   Introverted Feeling   Valuing and considering importance, beliefs, and worth
Aspirational   Extraverted Sensing   Experiencing and acting in the immediate context.

It's entirely possible to mistype of course; I thought I was an INTP for a while, while I was in college, but now that I've been away from studying and learning (at least not for pleasure), I've come much closer to an INFP, which makes more sense to me; I'm extremely interested in people (as you can tell with my interest in the MBTI Tongue), I'm an avid fiction writer, I have a huge interest in ethical philosophies and understanding myself and my own values...and of course, I'm very sensitive, which many personalities are (INTJ seems to be the least emotional of them all), but INFP seems to take the cake with vulnerability.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
November 26, 2013, 10:30:44 PM

How old are you at this moment?  I ask because people can act wildly different while their minds are still maturing, so if you were taking these tests in your teenage years, it's no surprise that the results were flaky; I was far different in HS than I am now, though I can't say if I would've gotten different results since I didn't know about it until recently.  You don't begin activating all of your cognitive functions until ~25-30 years of age I think...

i think i was an INTJ in college.. i have taken a few tests in the past few years and i've consistently scored as an INTP, if that means anything.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
November 26, 2013, 10:29:33 PM

How old are you at this moment?  I ask because people can act wildly different while their minds are still maturing, so if you were taking these tests in your teenage years, it's no surprise that the results were flaky; I was far different in HS than I am now, though I can't say if I would've gotten different results since I didn't know about it until recently.  You don't begin activating all of your cognitive functions until ~25-30 years of age I think...
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
November 26, 2013, 10:16:26 PM
^ i think a lot of these tests exist to make people feel special. it mostly highlights positive attributes, so people use it as some sort of comfort.. especially the people who feel like they are different than others.

i read a book recently about introverts vs. extroverts.. and i think part of its function was to make introverts feel better about themselves. but it also had some good insights on what it means to be introverted vs. extroverted... so the book wasn't completely useless to me.

another thing that strikes me: there is a trend, so doesn't that mean there is at least a little something to the system? 60% of the people here account for 2/16th of the entire population.. that number is staggering and it's likely not coincidental.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
The General
November 26, 2013, 10:12:35 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

I've read other type descriptions. They seem mostly wrong.

Yes; to assert that the ESTJ is anything like me: to assert lies.

Compare this to my personality:

These are completely contradictory.  Certainly I can perform with qualities of my opposite...I just don't do them nearly as well as the people who I know have that personality type, nor can they do what I do very well at all, for if they could: why don't they?

You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

I've read other type descriptions. They seem mostly wrong.

Whoops, forget my post. I think it may come as offensive to some people who are resisting 'new ideas', so I apologize. It might be better to give my own experience.

Let me just say I've been there and done that. In my high school every year we were given out these myer-briggs personality tests to take, and yes they were mandatory. My first year: One day during 5th period my teacher explained that we were about to receive these personality tests and this extra instructor came in to answer any questions we had and to explain what the test was for. It was supposedly so the teachers could better understand their students and our indvidual learning styles. Anyway I took the test seriously and a few days later our results came back with a brief description of what we got, I thought I was the shiz for having "ENTJ Inventor".

During lunch period that day I talked with some people in my class and no one else took it seriously, they just laughed about what they got and didn't believe it was something to be taken seriously. I was very young, gullible, and honestly did not know much so I took the test result pretty seriously because it matched me exactly, I thought. So I ended up reading on the other personality types and what behaviors they had. During my first year my personality type became a 'self fulfilling prophecy', I believed I had those characteristics, so it became true. One of those things was handling multiple tasks but not finishing any of them, so I took up a bunch of projects and did not finish any, there were lots of others but I don't remember.

Next year though we took the test again, this time not during class, but we were given a mandatory assignment to have it due by a certain date. I got a different result. Completely different. Wtf? I thought personality types were permanent? Nope. I talked about it during lunch with some other students because this was a new year, new friends, and all their personality types changed too. It turns out personality types can change in as little time as a few days. Next few years taking the test got very annoying and repetitive, I didn't care at all about it anymore and by my last year just picked random answers to get credit for the assignment. It wasn't until after graduation I found out about the very interesting Forer effect experiment around the time Myers-briggs test were becoming popular.

Anyway that's just my two cents, I've been through 4 years of myers-briggs, each time a different result and now believe it or not, my personality does not match anything it offers. Read up more about it in the skeptic's dictionary before thinking this is something that is true: (if you don't want to read all that, in summary, you can safely conclude Myers-Briggs is a cleverly written statistical test in which a majority of people would fit any given result). Imo, it's impossible to write up a 'personality type' for anyone.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
November 26, 2013, 09:46:27 PM
took the test in college and i forget which i am.. INTP or INTJ, but i don't think the results really mean that much. i guess i'm no one special among the bitcoiners  Smiley
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
November 26, 2013, 09:41:18 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

I've read other type descriptions. They seem mostly wrong.

Yes; to assert that the ESTJ is anything like me: to assert lies.

Compare this to my personality:

These are completely contradictory.  Certainly I can perform with qualities of my opposite...I just don't do them nearly as well as the people who I know have that personality type, nor can they do what I do very well at all, for if they could: why don't they?
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
November 26, 2013, 08:59:17 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

I've read other type descriptions. They seem mostly wrong.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
The General
November 26, 2013, 08:55:46 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

It's not a horoscope, read this.

If there were a rolling eyes emoticon I would put it here lol, what do you think this entire thread was about?
Activity: 947
Merit: 1042
Hamster ate my bitcoin
November 26, 2013, 08:40:43 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

Read more:

It's not a horoscope, read this.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
The General
November 26, 2013, 08:36:11 PM
You know these personality tests are all a lie right? None of them are true, all of the results are generic results that can match any individual. Try it, read your own personality's description then read another. It works if you really believe that this new personality type was tailored for you. They did an experiment on it, people were given a personlity test, everyone gave out different answers but everyone received the same type and result, everyone thought it was true and it was specific for themselves but in reality everyone got the same thing.

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