
Topic: [bitcoinmuc] 27.12.-30.12. ₿🛠️ at the remote Chaos Communication Congress 2020 - page 3. (Read 31390 times)

full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Sonntag, 17. Juli 2022, 18:30 Uhr, "Stemmerhof Studios"

₿☕ Satoshis Coffeeshop Sessions #02 — Lina Seiche und The Little HODLer

"The Traveling HODLer" comes to town!

Wir haben diesmal Lina Seiche zu Gast, die schon viele Jahre im Bitcoin-Space unterwegs ist und zuletzt mit den "The Little HODLer"-Comics viel Resonanz bekam. Michael Wolf wird sie interviewen und wir werden sicher auch in viele andere Bitcoin-Themen abschweifen.

Diese neue Event-Reihe wird voraussichtlich einmal im Monat an einem Sonntag stattfinden. In gemütlicher Coffeeshop-Atmosphäre halten Mitglieder der regionalen Community (oder darüber hinaus) Vorträge über verschiedene Themen oder bieten Workshops an.

Vor und nach dem Hauptprogramm wird es immer auch viel Zeit und Raum geben für Diskussionen, Gespräche und die Entwicklung von Ideen. Die Möglichkeit zur Hands-On-Erfahrung im Umgang mit Bitcoin wird geboten und vieles mehr.

Präsentiert von Bitcoin Munich und Satoshis Coffeeshop — Coworking-Space und Treffpunkt für Bitcoiners jeden Sonntag ab 15 Uhr.

Thema diesmal: Lina Seiche und The Little HODLer
Speaker: Lina Seiche
Format: "Fireside"-Chat (ohne Fire) / Interview, Q&A, Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch


19:00 - Beginn
19:30 - Hauptteil
20:30 - Diskussionen und Gespräche
23:59 (ca.) - inoffizielles Ende

Zielgruppe: Für Neulinge geeignet

Streaming/Recording: derzeit nicht geplant

Ort: Stemmerhof Studios, Plinganserstraße 6, Eingang "THEATER" neben "Restaurant ÖEINS" — — Falls das Wetter sehr warm wird, könnten wir es Open-Air machen, was dann aber auch auf dem Stemmerhofgelände sein wird

COVID-19-Einschränkungen: keine

Parken: Vor Ort und in der Nähe möglich

ÖPNV: S7/U6 Harras, Ausgang Nord-Ost, Fußweg; oder U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, Ausgang Süd-West und/oder Bus 53 Sendlinger Kirche

Essen und Trinken: Kaffee und andere Getränke gegen Spende vorzugsweise via Bitcoin/Lightning; optional Essen bestellen/holen oder nach dem Programmteil Einkehr in eine der Lokalitäten auf dem Stemmerhof-Gelände

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Nächster Event: Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022, 18:30 Uhr, "Die Macherei"

₿🗣️ Was ist Bitcoin, und welchen Wert hat es?

Bitcoin, dem “digitalen Gold”, werden seit seiner faszinierenden Entstehung 2009 eine Reihe an Kritikpunkten vorgeworfen. Belächelt als fiktive Internet-Währung, kritisiert als Schlupfloch für kriminelle Geldflüsse, gefürchtet als Umweltsünder und stets als Spekulationsblase abgestempelt, sollte man sich doch nach 13 Jahren wundern, warum dieses Bitcoin noch nicht verschwunden, reguliert, verboten oder "geplatzt" ist. In diesem Einführungsvortrag wird das Medium und seine Funktionsweise einfach erklärt, sodass die Teilnehmer 1) ein Grundverständnis entwickeln, 2) Orientierung in dem Themenfeld bekommen, um schließlich 3) selbst einschätzen zu können, welchen Wert diese neue Technologie für sie hat.

Dies ist eine Einführung für den Haupt-Event am folgenden Freitag:

Speaker: Marcel Ohrenschall ist Philosoph (B.A. LMU München), ist Mitgründer des Youtube-Kanals "Philocast" und arbeitet nun seit 2 Jahren in der sog. "Crypto-Branche" an Educational Content aka Erklärenden Inhalten (Twitter-Threads, Videos und Podcast) im Bereich Web-Technologien der Zukunft, mit besonderem Fokus auf der Bitcoin Blockchain.
Format: Vortrag + Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch


18:30 - Doors
19:15 - Vortrag
20:00 - Q&A und Diskussion
20:30 - Optional Einkehr in eins der Restaurants in der Nähe

Zielgruppe: Für Neuankömmlinge geeignet und alle, die sich über einige der wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekte informieren möchten und an Philosophie und gutem Diskurs interessiert sind.

Streaming/Recording: Voraussichtlich Aufzeichnung, Bearbeitung und Veröffentlichung auf Marcels Kanal

Ort: Die Macherei, Weihenstephaner Straße 28. Eingangsbereich direkt von der Tramstation zu sehen. Foyer des linken Backsteingebäudes der Macherei. Das große "M" ist leicht zu sehen.

COVID-19-Einschränkungen: keine

Parken: Vor Ort und in der Nähe möglich

ÖPNV: S1/S2/S4/S6/S7/S8 Leuchtenbergring + Fußweg Süd-Ost und/oder Tram 21/31 Schlüsselbergstraße

Essen und Trinken: Alkoholfreie Getränke vorhanden zu günstigen Preisen. Ansonsten Verpflegung bei Bedarf mitbringen. Optional Restaurantbesuch nach dem Hauptprogrammteil

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full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Sonntag, 19. Juni 2022, 19:00 Uhr (ursprüngliche Ankündigung musste um 1 Woche nach hinten verschoben werden)

₿☕ Satoshis Coffeeshop Sessions #01 — Bitcoin für Einsteiger und Aussteiger

Diese neue Event-Reihe wird voraussichtlich jeden dritten Sonntag im Monat stattfinden. In gemütlicher Coffeeshop-Atmosphäre halten Mitglieder der regionalen Community (oder darüber hinaus) Vorträge über verschiedene Themen oder bieten Workshops an.

Vor und nach dem Hauptprogramm wird es immer auch viel Zeit und Raum geben für Diskussionen, Gespräche und die Entwicklung von Ideen. Die Möglichkeit zur Hands-On-Erfahrung im Umgang mit Bitcoin wird geboten und vieles mehr.

Thema diesmal:

Bitcoin für Einsteiger und Aussteiger

Dass Bitcoin kein Betrug ist, sondern die Lösung für unsere globalen Probleme sein könnte, möchte Michael Wolf in seinem Vortrag näher bringen. Außerdem wird "Satoshis Coffeeshop" vorgestellt.

Speaker: Michael Wolf —

Michael Wolf, 91 geboren, war vor 2020 Musikvideoproduzent und Veranstalter, nach 2020 Gründungsvorstand, 2021 Gründungsrat der Basisdemokratischen Partei Deutschland „dieBasis“. Zur selben Zeit befasste er sich mit Bitcoin, und die Konsequenz war, dass er 2022 der Partei den Rücken kehrte. Heute betreibt er den Blog, publiziert auf Apolut und hält Vorträge zu Bitcoin und Freiheit. Darüber hinaus ist er Inhaber von Monaco Sessions und Stemmerhof Studios.

Format: Vortrag + Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch


19:00 - Beginn
19:30 - Vortrag
20:30 - Diskussionen und Gespräche
23:59 (ca.) - inoffizielles Ende

Zielgruppe: Diesmal speziell für Neuankömmlinge gedacht, die sich über die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Dimension von Bitcoin ein Bild machen wollen, und darüber, welche Möglichkeiten es für das Individuum schafft.

Streaming/Recording: derzeit nicht geplant

Ort: Stemmerhof Studios, Plinganserstraße 6, Eingang neben "Restaurant ÖEINS" —

COVID-19-Einschränkungen: keine

Parken: Vor Ort und in der Nähe möglich

ÖPNV: S7/U6 Harras, Ausgang Nord-Ost, Fußweg; oder U4/U5 Schwanthalerhöhe, Ausgang Süd-West, Fußweg Süden und/oder Bus 53 Sendlinger Kirche

Essen und Trinken: Kaffee und andere Getränke gegen Spende vorzugsweise via Bitcoin/Lightning; optional Essen bestellen/holen oder nach dem Programmteil Einkehr in eine der Lokalitäten auf dem Stemmerhof-Gelände

Kontaktiert uns:

Bis demnächst!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event (remote): Montag, 27. Dezember 2021, 10:00 Uhr bis Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2021, 23:59 Uhr

₿🛠️ Bitcoin at the remote Chaos Communication Congress 2021

The annual Chaos Communication Congress, organized by the Chaos Computer Club and other volunteers, is one of the largest hacker conferences in the world.

Not only are there great talks and lectures on the main stages, what makes the event especially alive are the hackerspaces and other communities who build so-called "assemblies". This is where they present what they're tinkering on, collaborate, offer workshops, and much more.

The "402 Payment Required" aka Bitcoin assembly is present each year as well.


This year, of course, it has to be (largely) an online event again, but that enables us to reach out for an audience here on the meetup platform as well.

The tickets (this year again for free, or for a donation) are probably limited. The video streams of the main talks don't require a ticket though, and a lot of online workshops and sessions won't require one either. The tickets are largely only necessary to join the massive-multiplayer-game-like 2D environment that connects all the different virtual locations like the main stages and assemblies in a visual way, and where you can meet and hang-out with other participants.


RSVP here on meetup if you want to let people know you'll be around, or to receive notifications about Bitcoin-related sessions that you might be interested in and want to join. We'll post the ones we organize ourselves as well as additional selected picks and how to join them in the comment section below in time for each day.

There'll be technical workshops, likely also discussions and debates about societal aspects and the "difficult" sides of Bitcoin, and probably hang-out sessions where we'll watch relevant talks from the main stages and comment on them from a Bitcoiner's perspective.

So, join our virtual "Bitcoin sofa" to participate in our sessions or just hang out and chat with us about anything. It is usually staffed each day from noon until late at night.

When: Monday 27th December to Thursday 30th December, noon until late at night each day

Format: Many presentations, workshops, sessions, and opportunities to just hang out too

Language: Bitcoin-related workshops will almost exclusively be in English, maybe some occasional German session. Sofa chat might sometimes be in German. (The main stages have many German talks.)

Target Audience: Mostly technical and advanced, depending on the session. During hang-out time newcomers can approach and ask questions, but it might be assumed you have a hacker/tech background.

Streaming/Recording: tbd/tba/depending (Main stages will be streamed of course.)

Location: Online, various Free and Open Source video conferencing tools and other environments hosted non-commercially, respecting and preserving privacy.

More info tba

Want to contribute a session/workshop? Other questions or suggestions?

Contact us on Twitter:
Or join our Telegram group:
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event (remote): Samstag, 06. November 2021, 15:00 Uhr

₿🗣️ 3rd Global Bitcoin Meetup with speakers from 5 countries!

Fellow Bitcoiners and cryptocurrency friends, on Saturday November 6th in the afternoon we'll be joining a virtual "Global Bitcoin Meetup" series which goes into its 3rd edition, this time with speakers from the communities in Milano, Pakistan, Prague, Athens, and Munich.

Join us with 4 other communities for a total of 5 Bitcoin presentations! Join us on YouTube at 3pm Munich time or 2pm UTC.

Meetup agenda:
🇵🇰 1)Representing Bitcoin Pakistan: "Bitcoin in Pakistan" by Farooq Ahmed
🇨🇿 2)Representing Paralnil Polis: "Cryptoanarchy and Parallel Polis (in Prague)" by Mario Havel, founder of Bordel Hackerspace
🇩🇪 3)Representing Bitcoin Munich: "Threat model of hardware wallets - consumer and DIY" by Stepan Snigirev, Specter wallet.
🇮🇹 4) Representing Bitcoin Milano: "The power of Bitcoin scripting" by Alekos Filini, Bitcoin Dev Kit.
🇬🇷 5) Representing Bitcoin Athens: "Building a Toolkit for Lightning App Developers" by Andreas Koidis (Product lead) and Aris Panaras (Lead engineer) of c13n

Go to and click on "Set reminder". The entire event will be in English. Please use the YouTube chat to ask questions.

🇬🇷 Athens:
🇩🇪 Munich:
🇮🇹 Milan:
🇵🇰 Islamabad:
🇨🇿 Prague:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event (real): Samstag, 16. Oktober 2021, 19:30 Uhr

₿🎭 Magic Future Money @ Wetten Was...?, Muc SF Festival, Lange Nacht der Museen

Friedemann Brenneis aka der "Coinspondent" vom Honigdachs-Podcast ist in München und nimmt mit seinem "Magic Future Money"-Projekt teil an der Show "Wetten Was...?" im Rahmen des Münchner Science & Fiction Festival und der Langen Nacht der Museen.


> Wir zeigen Shows die in unserer Zeitlinie nicht mehr existieren und Wetteinsätze der Superlative mit: Friedemann Brenneis – Gibt es noch Geld in der Zukunft?

(und viele weitere)

> Zukunftsbegeisterter Journalist, der gerne in Themenwelten unterwegs ist, die noch nie ein Mensch zuvor erkundet hat.

> Was wissen wir über das Geld der Zukunft? Praktisch nichts. Die meisten von uns verstehen ja nicht einmal das Geld der Gegenwart. Doch die Zukunft wartet nicht auf uns. Sie ist schon längst da.


"Magic Future Money" ist/war u.a. ein Science-Fiction-Schreibwettbewerb, und wir werden über Resultate und Ergebnisse erfahren. Vor ein paar Monaten wurde es bei einem unserer virtuellen Meetups vorgestellt:

Nach dem "Pflichtprogramm" können wir auf ein Bierchen gesellig zusammen sein und/oder das weitere Programm des Festivals erkunden.

Mehr Infos folgen.

Format: Show / Präsentation / Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch

Zielgruppe: Alle die an Geldphilosophie, Kunst, Kultur und Science Fiction interessiert sind

Streaming/Recording: tba

Ort: Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1

Wie ihr uns findet: tba

Covid-Einschränkungen: Voraussichtlich 3G-Regel

Eintritt: Ticket für die "Lange Nacht der Museen" erforderlich, voraussichtlich nur im Vorverkauf erhältlich (15 € zzgl. Gebühren, inkl. MVV), keine Abendkasse! Alle Info:

full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event (online): Dienstag, 21. September 2021, 19 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #018: International Taxation and Regulation

We're cooperating with the "SUPER₿ SUMMIT" online conference that is happening at the 21st and 22nd of September. The session that's taking place during our scheduled meetup time is called The ‘Tax That’ Panel, a discussion moderated by Yael Ossowski, with Dominic Frisby, Adella Toulon-Foerster, Knut Svanholm, and Lando Rothbardian. Afterwards we can continue the discussion in a breakout room.


You can join this track for free, or get a ticket for the full conference here:

Format: Panel discussion

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for newcomers as well as long-time bitcoiners, and everyone interested in the regulatory and taxation aspects when dealing with Bitcoin or running a related business.

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join the conference's online platform that runs in the web browser. The web links and more info will be posted 1 hour before we start in the comment section below, which should also trigger a reminder mail if you've registered.

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Samstag, 21. August 2021, 19 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #017 - News, Q&A and Discussion

We're doing a generic but focused-discussion format, study-group style, and again open-air in real life in public space, as the weather forecast predicts good weather. This time we'll meet at Gärtnerplatz.

There won't be any beamer or screen, so bring your mobile device with the battery well-loaded if you want to follow along the material being shared!

Material: Please everyone bring 5 weblinks or documents about things you want to discuss! Can be general articles from the mainstream press, or articles about the technological, economics or philosophical aspects in bitcoin-related media and blogs, also book summaries, essays, academic papers, and so on. No promotional material, no xyzcoin "whitepapers" please! Here's the pad we're using, feel free to browse the weblinks already provided, and feel free to add questions or weblinks yourself before or during the session:

Format: Extended discussion, Socratic light

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for newcomers, long-time bitcoiners, critics, and everyone interested

Streaming/Recording: No

Food and Drinks: None or Bring Your Own picnic-style, and we can go to a café/bar/restaurant afterwards

Location: Gärtnerplatz

How to find us: We'll post more exact location in the comments when we're there, or look out for Bitcoin gimmicks like stickers.

Subject to changes/additions.

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021, 19 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #016 - Beginners' Q&A, Current News (Open Air in Real Life)

We'll offer a Q&A session for beginners or anyone who might want to fill some of the gaps they might have about what Bitcoin is and how it works, be it related to technology, economics, or any other aspect. After all, there are still a lot of common misconceptions floating around, not only in the mainstream media, but also in the "crypto-space". Also we'll discuss current news and the latest hot topics in research and development.

We're trying this as a real-life meeting again, open-air in a park (Englischer Garten), as the weather forecast predicts the comeback of summer after all.

There won't be any beamer or screen, so bring your mobile device with the battery well-loaded if you want to follow along the material being shared!

What else to bring: Food and drinks if you want, suitable clothing, and a blanket to sit on is recommended

Material: Please everyone bring 5 weblinks or documents about things you want to discuss! Can be general articles from the mainstream press, or articles about the technological, economics or philosophical aspects in bitcoin-related media and blogs, also book summaries, essays, academic papers, and so on. No promotional material, no xyzcoin "whitepapers" please!

Format: Extended discussion, Socratic light

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for newcomers, long-time bitcoiners, critics, and everyone interested

Streaming/Recording: Probably not, but we'll think about it.

Food and Drinks: Bring Your Own

Location: Amphitheater in Englischer Garten

How to find us: U6 Alte Heide, exit North, walk East into Englischer Garten, follow the red arrows. Plan for a 10 minute walk. We'll meet at the center top of the "Auditorium".

Subject to changes/additions.

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Montag, 21. Juni 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #015: The Austrian School & the Political Economics of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a deflationary money, and deflation is bad for the economy, so Bitcoin wouldn't work as a currency. Is this really the case? We'll discuss this and related topics like the radical unregulated free market and praxeology with Rahim Taghizadegan.

"The political economics of Bitcoin – the Austrian School, the financial system, capitalism and crypto-socialism"

Rahim Taghizadegan is the last Austrian economist of the Austrian School in the direct tradition and has been teaching at universities in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Germany.

As one of the last Viennese polymaths, he is also a physicist (specialization in nuclear physics and complex systems), philosopher, investor and entrepreneur.

He has written more than a dozen books (like Austrian School for Investors and The Zero Interest Trap), some of them best-sellers, and is the founder of the scholarium in Vienna, where the Austrian School is kept alive in its original interdisciplinary form of the Hayek- and Mises-Circles.

Rahim Taghizadegan was one of the first academic economists to understand and analyze the monetary nature of Bitcoin. Today, he heads the Free Private Cities Foundation, which is making Bitcoin Citadels a reality.

- "Austrian School for Investors"
- "The Zero Interest Trap"

Material: Some recommended preparation material will be posted in the comment section below a few days prior

Format: Presentation, extended discussion, Socratic light

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for newcomers as well as long-time bitcoiners, critics, and everyone interested. There'll be an introductory part about the monetary aspects of Bitcoin and later an in-depth discussion part that may require deeper knowledge in Austrian Economics.

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join via Jitsi Meet video conferencing or in a Mozilla Hubs 3D/VR environment. Both are Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respect and preserve your privacy, don't collect any unnecessary data, don't require any login/registration, and simply run in your web browser without any downloads.

- Jitsi Meet on FreifunkMUC:
- Mozilla Hubs:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail).


(19:00 Announcement of the access links)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

Subject to changes/additions.

About Satoshi's 21:

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Freitag, 21. Mai 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #014: 🌳

The debate around the Bitcoin network's use of energy and its CO₂ emissions has been _cooking up_ since recently once again. What's all the energy used for, is Proof-of-Work mining really necessary, and how can Bitcoin be made more "efficient"? We'll briefly cover the basics, before we'll be looking at some of the key points of the debate from all sides, trying to steelman the arguments, and probably there'll also be some meta-discourse.

And in particular we're going to look at the project.

> is an initiative by bitcoiners who want to contribute to climate change solutions. Our goal is to make Bitcoin a net positive money.

- (very recommended reading)

Joining us will be project founder Stefan Richter and others.

Speakers and notable participants include:

Stefan Richter, Bitcoin Leipzig, Honigdachs Podcast,

- This is an interactive event, feel free to contribute, ask and answer questions, share material, and so on.

Material: More resources and recommended preparation material will be posted in the comment section below a few days prior

Format: Presentation, extended discussion, Socratic light

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for newcomers, long-time bitcoiners, critics, and everyone interested

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join via Jitsi Meet (ordinary video conferencing functionality; easier) or via Mozilla Hubs (VR environment; more possibilities of interaction) (we'll connect these platforms with each other). Both are Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respect and preserve your privacy, don't collect any unnecessary data, don't require any login/registration, and simply run in your web browser without any downloads.

- Jitsi Meet on FreifunkMUC:
- Mozilla Hubs:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail).


(19:00 Announcement of the access links)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

Subject to changes/additions.

About Satoshi's 21:

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Mittwoch, 21. April 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #013: RGB Smart Contracts - From Assets to Digital Identities

This time, Olga Ukolova and others will show us the latest developments in the LNP/BP (Lightning Network Protocol / Bitcoin Protocol) stack and especially RGB, the concept which started as Colored Coins aka tokens "on Lightning" and grew into a privacy-preserving smart contracts & bearer rights system.

She will explain the basics of the technology, give a demonstration of MyCitadel - the first RGB-enabled wallet, and the asset issuance tool Bitcoin Pro. We will also scratch technical details.

Though started as a simple idea of having tokens on Lightning, RGB has developed into a system that covers many more use cases, while still benefiting the Bitcoin ecosystem.

From the technological perspective, RGB is highly robust & modular at the same time, it does not ‘pollute’ the Bitcoin timechain with unnecessary data, adds privacy and scalability even more than Lightning does, while being ready for upcoming improvements like Simplicity and Taproot.

From the user perspective, it covers many real-life use cases, from creating stablecoins like Tether, issuing company shares on Bitcoin, to proving the ownership rights over a collectible (aka ‘NFT’) or even create and manage your Digital Identity.


Speakers and notable participants include:

Olga Ukolova

- Message us if you want to contribute to the event and be added to the list

Material: will be posted in the comment section below a few days prior

Format: Presentation, extended Q&A, optional technical details deep-dive

Language: English

Target Audience: Suitable for curious newcomers, optional deep-dive part for developers and technically interested

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join via Jitsi Meet (ordinary video conferencing functionality; easier) or via Mozilla Hubs (VR environment; more possibilities of interaction) (we'll connect these platforms with each other). Both are Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respect and preserve your privacy, don't collect any unnecessary data, don't require any login/registration, and simply run in your web browser without any downloads.

- Jitsi Meet on FreifunkMUC:
- Mozilla Hubs:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail).


(19:00 Announcement of the access links)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

About Satoshi's 21:

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Sonntag, 21. März 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #012: Consensus, Cryptoeconomics, Threat Models 🔥

We'll be joined by Bob McElrath, Eric Voskuil, and others to discuss some "moonshot" ways in which Bitcoin could be improved, that is aside from what's on the foreseeable roadmap of its developer community.

It is often purported that Bitcoin has a lot of shortcomings especially in regards to scalability, while many other projects in the larger "crypto" space allegedly offer a lot of innovation.

Bitcoin development may be very cautious and slow in moving forward to preserve backward compatibility, but if a vastly better protocol design could be found and agreed upon, the UTXO set (the "state" who currently owns what money) could be imported into the new system.

Sharding, (Hybrid) Proof-of-Stake, DAGs, ZK-Rollups,... — what do these approaches bring to the table, and which of them could make sense for Bitcoin eventually, considering
- what their tradeoffs are,
- what Bitcoin is trying to achieve,
- the threat model against which Bitcoin is designed?

Which of these designs have previously been debated, and outrightly rejected, or indefintiely postponed, and for what reasons?


Bob McElrath, ex-Fidelity Digital Assets, Phd Theoretical Physics

Eric Voskuil, ex-Microsoft, libbitcoin, "Cryptoeconomics" book

- This is an interactive event, contact us if you want to contribute and be added to this list!

Material: Recommended preparation material will be posted a few days prior in the comment section below

Format: Socratic Seminar

Language: English

Target Audience: Intermediate, strong tech background recommended

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join via Jitsi Meet (ordinary video conferencing functionality; easier) or via the Mozilla Hubs (VR environment; more possibilities of interaction) (we'll connect these platforms with each other). Both are Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respect and preserve your privacy, don't collect any unnecessary data, don't require any login/registration, and simply run in your web browser without any downloads.

- Jitsi Meet on FreifunkMUC:
- Mozilla Hubs:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail).


(19:00 Announcement of the link to the conference call, resp. the name of the server and room, and the link to the YouTube stream.)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

About Satoshi's 21:

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Donnerstag, 11. März 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🗣️ Was ist Bitcoin - ein Überblick

Diesmal gibt's ein deutschsprachiges Bitcoin-1x1 für euch, wenn ihr neu seid, oder für eure Familie und Freunde. Die bildende Künstlerin und langjährige Bitcoin-Kaninchenbau-Erforscherin Sina Wagner aus München hat ihre neue Präsentation schon öfter für ihr Umfeld gehalten und tut das nun auch Rahmen unserer Meetup-Gruppe.


„Die Fragen von Freunden & Familie häufen sich, der Preis steigt wieder und damit das Interesse. Diejenigen die damals desinteressiert meine Insta-Storys blockiert haben, folgen mir doch wieder und fragen vorsichtig nach, was es denn damit auf sich hat.

Um nicht ständig von vorne beginnen zu müssen und weil es sich nicht so leicht in zwei Sätzen erklären lässt, um was für ein Phänomen es sich da handelt, habe ich eine Präsentation vorbereitet.

Ich komme nicht aus der Welt der Wirtschaft, kann auch nicht programmieren (noch nicht), sondern habe Kunst studiert und kann mittlerweile kaum noch an etwas anderes denken als an Bitcoin.

Das Thema ist so komplex und allumfassend und faszinierend, dass ich nicht aufhören kann, immer mehr darüber zu lernen. Jeder Aspekt wäre für sich einen Vortrag wert, doch versuche ich für Einsteiger einen groben Überblick zusammenzustellen, um die Tragweite dieser Erfindung zu vermitteln.

Was ist Geld, wie läuft unser bisheriges Finanzsystem, wie funktioniert Bitcoin, wieviel ist Bitcoin wert, wie könnte es weiter gehen, usw.

Ich habe nie besonders gerne Vorträge gehalten... aber Bitcoin erscheint mir zu wichtig, nicht allen davon zu erzählen. Smiley

Mehr Info folgt, Änderungen vorbehalten.

Format: Präsentation und Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch

Zielgruppe: Alle die interessiert sind und endlich verstehen wollen, was dieses Bitcoin eigentlich ist, aus einer erfrischenden Perspektive vermitelt. Sagt auch eurem Umfeld Bescheid!

Streaming/Recording: Ja

Ort: Online. Ihr könnt über Jitsi Meet (gewöhnliche Videokonferenz-Funktion; einfacher) oder über Mozilla Hubs (VR-Umgebung; mehr Möglichkeiten der Interaktion) teilnehmen (wir verknüpfen diese Plattformen miteinander). Beide sind Freie und Open Source Software, Non-Profit, respektieren und bewahren eure Privacy, sammeln keine unnötigen Daten, verlangen keine Anmeldung/Registrierung, und laufen ganz einfach in eurem Webbrowser ohne irgendwelche Downloads.

- Jitsi Meet auf Freifunk München:
- Mozilla Hubs:

Wie ihr uns findet: Wir teilen euch weitere Instruktionen und die genauen Zugangslinks eine Stunde bevor wir starten in der Kommentar-Sektion unten mit (das sollte auch eine Erinnerungsmail triggern).


(19:00 Ankündigung der Zugangslinks)

20:00 Rollender Beginn, kommt herein, sagt hallo, stellt euch außerhalb der Aufzeichnung vor wenn ihr möchtet, organisatorische Dinge
20:15 Livestream startet, optionales aufgezeichnetes Sich-Vorstellen, Start der Präsentation
22:00 (ungefähr) Abschluss, Livestream endet, optionale Break-out-Sitzungen

Kontaktiert uns:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

Bis demnächst!

Dieser Event ist Teil unserer neuen deutschsprachigen Vortragsreihe, die auf vielfachen Wunsch darauf ausgerichtet ist, für eine breitere Allgemeinheit verständlich zu sein. Wir werden exzellente Speakers einladen, die die fachlichen Grundlagen von Bitcoin verständlich erklären oder Aspekte des größeren Ganzen gut vermitteln. Die Events werden unregelmäßig und an unterschiedlichen Orten stattfinden.
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #011: Mining Basics + Stratum V2 ⛏️

This time we'll be joined by Daniela Brozzoni for a session about Bitcoin mining. There'll be two parts: First we'll learn about or recap some mining basics, with the opportunity for some discussions. After a little break we'll take a more detailed look into the Stratum V2 protocol which is hoped to achieve better decentralization.

Presenters and notable participants this time include:

Daniela Brozzoni, developer at Braiins / Slush Pool

- This is an interactive event, contact us if you want to contribute and be added to this list!

Material: We'll share some recommended material a few days before the event in the comment section below

Format: Presentation + Discussion/Socratic

Language: English

Target Audience: First part is suited for newcomers, second part will be for more advanced Bitcoin followers, but may also be interesting for a more general audience with strong background in distributed systems and network protocols.

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online. As a YouTube stream, or you can join via Jitsi Meet (ordinary video conferencing functionality; easier) or via the Mozilla Hubs (VR environment; more possibilities of interaction) (we'll connect these platforms with each other). Both are Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respect and preserve your privacy, don't collect any unnecessary data, don't require any login/registration, and simply run in your web browser without any downloads.

- Jitsi Meet on FreifunkMUC:
- Mozilla Hubs:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail).


(19:00 Announcement of the link to the conference call, resp. the name of the server and room, and the link to the YouTube stream.)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

About Satoshi's 21:

This is our in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing software development, business opportunities and challenges, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Contact us:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

See you around!
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächster Event: Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🗣️ Magic Future Money — (un)mögliche Geschichten vom Geld der Zukunft

Zu unserem diesmal deutschsprachigen Online-Event begrüßen wir The Coinspondent aka Friedemann Brenneis, Blogger, Journalist und langjähriger Bitcoin-Berichterstatter u.a. mit dem Honigdachs-Podcast aus Leipzig. Wenn ihr ausnahmsweise mal auf einen kompetenten Artikel über Bitcoin in den Leitmedien hierzulande trefft, dann stammt der sehr wahrscheinlich von ihm.

- z.B.

Er wird eine Präsentation über die Zukunft des Geldes halten und über seine Feststellung, dass es kaum Visionen gibt, wie eine solche Zukunft aussehen könnte, da diese Frage in der Science Fiction oft ausgespart wird.

In diesem Zusammenhang hat er einen Schreibwettbewerb mit Preisgeld ins Leben gerufen, an dem ihr euch als ambitionierte Schriftsteller versuchen dürft!


Die 30 besten Geschichten werden in einem Buch herausgebracht, und jede veröffentlichte Geschichte erhält 1 Million Sats!

Mehr Info folgt, Änderungen vorbehalten.

Format: Präsentation und Diskussion

Sprache: Deutsch

Zielgruppe: Alle die interessiert sind, keine bis wenig Vorkenntnisse notwendig

Streaming/Recording: Ja

Ort: Online. Ihr könnt über Jitsi Meet (gewöhnliche Videokonferenz-Funktion; einfacher) oder über Mozilla Hubs (VR-Umgebung; mehr Möglichkeiten der Interaktion) teilnehmen (wir verknüpfen diese Plattformen miteinander). Beide sind Freie und Open Source Software, Non-Profit, respektieren und bewahren eure Privacy, sammeln keine unnötigen Daten, verlangen keine Anmeldung/Registrierung, und laufen ganz einfach in eurem Webbrowser ohne irgendwelche Downloads.

- Jitsi Meet auf Freifunk München:
- Mozilla Hubs:

Wie ihr uns findet: Wir teilen euch weitere Instruktionen und die genauen Zugangslinks eine Stunde bevor wir starten in der Kommentar-Sektion unten mit (das sollte auch eine Erinnerungsmail triggern).


(19:00 Ankündigung der Zugangslinks)

20:00 Rollender Beginn, kommt herein, sagt hallo, stellt euch außerhalb der Aufzeichnung vor wenn ihr möchtet, organisatorische Dinge
20:15 Livestream startet, optionales aufgezeichnetes Sich-Vorstellen, Start der Präsentation
22:00 (ungefähr) Abschluss, Livestream endet, optionale Break-out-Sitzungen

Kontaktiert uns:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:

Bis demnächst!

Dieser Event wird der Beginn einer neuen deutschsprachigen Vortragsreihe sein, die auf vielfachen Wunsch darauf ausgerichtet ist, für eine breitere Allgemeinheit verständlich zu sein. Wir werden exzellente Speakers einladen, die die fachlichen Grundlagen von Bitcoin verständlich erklären oder Aspekte des größeren Bildes gut vermitteln. Die Events werden unregelmäßig und an unterschiedlichen Orten stattfinden.
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Bitcoin Munich — Vorträge und Workshops

Nächster Workshop: Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2021, 20 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #010: Review 2020 👓

Time to look back at the year 2020 in Bitcoin! We'll prepare and share material about the major events, technical developments and other noteworthy things, provide basic and further explanations, and much more. There'll be occasional deep-dives and opportunity for the whole group to discuss.

Presenters and notable participants this time include:

- Sebastian van Staa
- Emzy
- tba
- You? This is an interactive event. Get in touch with us if you also want contribute!

Subject to changes/additions.

Material: Will be posted in the comment section below, check back a few days before the event

Format: Socratic light

Language: English

Target Audience: Some parts will be accessible for newcomers, others may require some prior knowledge. We'll cover technology, finance and other aspects. Feel free to ask general questions too!

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online, as a YouTube stream and via independently hosted Jitsi Meet (Free and Open Source Software, non-profit, respects and preserves your privacy, doesn't collect any unnecessary data, doesn't require any login/registration, and runs simply in your web browser without any downloads). More info:

How to find us: We'll share further instructions and the exact access links one hour before we start in the comment section below (this should also trigger a reminder mail). In the meantime, you can try out the conference call software here:


(19:00 Announcement of the link to the video call, resp. the name of the server and room, and the link to the YouTube stream in the comment section below. This should also trigger a reminder mail.)

20:00 Rolling start, chime in, say hello, introduce yourself off-the-record if you want to, organizational stuff
20:15 Livestream starts, optional on-the-record introductions, start of the seminar
22:00 (roughly) Wrap-up time, Livestream ends, optional break-out sessions

This is our new in-depth, no-nonsense seminar series Satoshi's 21, which will take place every 21st of a month in various different locations (hackspace, co-working space, conference room, or similar), or online if circumstances so require.

We'll have one or more selected topics concerning Bitcoin's technology, security, ongoing development, economics, monetary theory, or its societal and political impact. Some preparation work might be required from participants in order to make the most out of the seminar.

Satoshi's 21 stands for:
- Every 21st of a month so that weekdays rotate, and to enable opportunities for joint sessions online with various other international meetup groups
- 21 participants is the targeted and ideal working group size, but we could be more, we could be fewer
- And of course: honoring Bitcoin's monetary supply of 21 hundred trillion sats!

Logo Design Satoshi's 21 by

Contact us on Twitter:
Or join our Telegram group:
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächstes Treffen: Sonntag, 27. Dezember bis Mittwoch, 30. Dezember

₿🛠️ Bitcoin at the remote Chaos Communication Congress 2020

The annual Chaos Communication Congress, organized by the Chaos Computer Club and other volunteers, is one of the largest hacker conferences in the world, peaking at around 17,000 visitors last year.

Not only are there great talks and lectures on the main stages, what makes the event especially alive are the hackerspaces and other communities who build so-called "assemblies". This is where they present what they're tinkering on, collaborate, offer workshops, and much more.

The "402 Payment Required" aka Bitcoin assembly is present each year as well.


This year of course, everything's different, but the "remote Chaos Experience" ("rC3") enables us to reach out for an audience here on the meetup platform as well.

The tickets (this year for free, or for a donation) are currently (again) "sold out" (December 15th), but the contingent might get stocked up (again) if infrastructure scaling can further be improved.

Video streams of the main talks don't require a ticket, and a lot of online workshops and sessions won't require one either. The tickets are largely only necessary to join the multiplayer-game-like 2D environment that connects all the different virtual locations like the main stages and assemblies in a visual way.

RSVP here on meetup if you want to let people know you'll be around, or to receive notifications about Bitcoin-related sessions that you might be interested in and want to join. We'll post the ones we organize ourselves as well as additional selected picks and how to join them in the comment section below in time for each day.

There'll be technical workshops, likely also discussions and debates about societal aspects and the "difficult" sides of Bitcoin, and probably hang-out sessions where we'll watch relevant talks from the main stages and comment on them from a Bitcoiner's perspective.

A virtual version of the traditional "Bitcoin sofa" will be present as well where you can hang out and chat with us about anything. It is usually staffed each day from noon until late at night.

Part of the program will double as a Lightning Hacksprint.


When: Sunday 27th December to Wednesday 30th December, noon until late at night each day

Format: Many presentations, workshops, sessions, and opportunities to just hang out too

Language: Bitcoin-related workshops will almost exclusively be in English, maybe some occasional German session. Sofa chat might sometimes be in German. (The main stages have many German talks.)

Target Audience: Mostly technical and advanced, depending on the session. The virtual sofa can be approached by newcomers, but it might be assumed you have a hacker/tech background.

Streaming/Recording: tbd/tba/depending (Main stages will be streamed of course.)

Location: Online, various Free and Open Source video conferencing tools and other environments hosted non-commercially, respecting and preserving privacy.

More info tba

Want to contribute a session/workshop? Other questions or suggestions?

Contact us on Twitter:
Or join our Telegram group:
full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächstes Treffen: Montag, 21. Dezember 2020, 20:00 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #009: Financial Cancel Culture ❌

This time we'll be joined by "that one privacy girl" and journalist Janine Römer. It's almost holiday season and thus perhaps a good point in time to remember and reflect that Bitcoin is less an invention about eCommerce, but rather one about personal autonomy and sovereignty in financial and other affairs.

The focus of the discussion will be financial censorship: how and why people are being "cancelled" from having bank accounts, often without due process or allegations of illegality, and whether Bitcoin may be of help. We will also discuss resisting regulatory capture, the emergence of "blockchain analysis" aka blockchain *surveillance* companies, and much more.

Furthermore, Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and even Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) rules seem to be extended more and more to the general tech sector and other sectors as well. Not only does this paint a bleak picture for the future of the right to privacy and free speech; the compliance requirements also increase operating cost, perhaps prohibitively for smaller enterprises to remain competitive.

Presenters and notable participants this time include:

Janine Römer

And others.
If you want to contribute, please do contact us to be added to the list.

This will be a joint session with the Wasabi Research Club.

Material: tba (will be posted in the comment section below a few days before the event)

Format: Presentation / Discussion / Socratic Seminar

Language: English

Target Audience: Everyone who's interested in the reasons why society needs Bitcoin, in the global landscape of financial regulations, or in political issues around the right to privacy and informational self-determination in general.

Streaming/Recording: Yes

Location: Online, Jitsi Meet on an independent server

full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächstes Treffen: Samstag, 21. November 2020, 19:30 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #008 × Reckless VR: Above the Fold 💳

We'll join the Reckless VR meetup today, a global Virtual Reality meetup series taking place (almost) every Saturday with prominent participants, moderated by Udi Wertheimer.

This time, Fold CEO Will Reeves will talk about Bitcoin rewards, payments, using the Lightning Network in production, and ways to protect consumer privacy.

Your hosts:

Udi Wertheimer, Reckless VR

Will Reeves, CEO at Fold

full member
Activity: 343
Merit: 128
Nächstes Treffen: Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2020, 18:30 Uhr

₿🛠️ Satoshi's 21 #007: Bitcoin Core PR Review Club 🧐

Bitcoin Core contributor and Chaincode Residency Alumni Fabian Jahr and others will join us this time. We get will get a short introduction to the Bitcoin Core PR Review Club and accompany a live session.

What is the Bitcoin Core PR Review Club?

Every Wednesday at 7 pm German time, part of the global Bitcoin research and developer community comes together on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) for one hour. Following an agenda posted a few days prior, the participants review PRs (pull requests, that is proposed code updates) to Bitcoin Core, the reference implementation of Bitcoin.

These proposed code updates have to be evaluated if they are conceptually and technologically sound, and if they satisfy the necessary quality standards.


We will watch the chat session in our video call, and we will try to provide commentary, more general explanations and more context to the current topics being discussed. We'll also have time for more questions and answers afterwards.

Instructors and notable participants today include:

Fabian Jahr


And others.

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