The value of all CURRENCY is closer to $5T putting an upper limit on value of about $240,000 USD (circa 2010) per BTC. Bitcoin replaces cash not fractional reserve account balances.
Using global M0 is the apples to apples comparison.Semi off topic so skip ahead if not interestedWhen people wonder why the price of everything keeps going up ... the answer is right there. Money is simply an accounting system. Money isn't wealth. Money is used as an intermidiary when trading one product or service for another product or service. Most people don't think of it this way but your wages are a product/service. You are trading your work product for money to buy other products and services. So why has there been so much price inflation? Simple the amount of money has doubled roughly every decade from 1970 onward. ~0.25T in 1970, ~0.5T in 1980, ~1.0T in 1990, ~2.0T in 2000, >4T in 2010. Everything else being equal (no improvement in technology, no increase in supply of goods and services) we would expect the price of goods and service on average to cost about 16 times what they did in 1970s. There simply are more units of this thing called money floating around fighting for the same goods and services.
Of course prices do generally fall due to technology (more efficient production both increasing the amount of supply and cost of production). Take gasoline one thing people love to complain "costs too much". In gold terms the price of gasoline has fallen about 80% since 1919.
Is this because oil companies are "nice"? No it is because the cost of production over the last century has (adjusted for inflation) actually declined by about 80%. Sadly thing never ending technological progress masks the true effect of inflation. If there had been no productivity increases (but a massive increase to the money supply) we would expect the price of gasoline today to still cost roughly 0.14 ounces of gold per gallon or ~$24.00 in 2010 dollars. However if over a period of time (say a decade) the money supply doubles but productivity increases 50% then prices (in aggregate) will "only" rise 33%. See (price) inflation is low!
The true effect of monetary debasement is partially hidden by rising productivity. As a side note all wealth in the world comes from increased productivity. If your activity increases your personal wealth by means other than productivity gains then it is simply a transfer of wealth from one person to another.
So what does this have to do with the OP point?While the global money supply can (and probably will) inflate that would only increase the nominal PRICE not the VALUE. If the money supply doubles over the next hundred years then one would expect the price of BTC to also double but then again so would the price of everything else. If Bitcoin replaced all currency globally (not a scenario I find likely but good as an upper limit) we would expect the price to be on the order of $240,000 when measured in 2010 dollars.