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Essay: Bitcoins will intensify to over $1,500 in our lifetime and we will all be millionaires.
By: Tom Peckelpent
Essay number one. The first essay.
Do you know what a Bitcoin is? If not, then you should continue to read because I believe that they will increase in value up to $1,000 or more.
Bitcoin is a digital currency designed by Satoshi Nakamoto. Each bitcoin is born from the hard work of the bitcoin community members. They use their computers to equate solutions to complex cryptographic computations that are necessary for bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin does well-represent two of the three classic requirements of money. They are a medium of exchange in that they are used as intermediaries in the exchange of goods and services. They are a unit of account in that they are represented by standard numerical unit of measurement. They are also uniquely divisible. Finally, and most importantly, they are a store of value because they are able to be reliably saved, stored and retrieved in their usable form as a medium of exchange. It is this last point which underscores why bitcoin's value will go up to $1,000. As bitcoin is adopted globally, as there is no governing body to stop this from happening, the value of each bitcoin will increase with this demand.
Perhaps the most obvious question is, "What will give bitcoin value?" This, I believe, will be because people put their trust into bitcoin's transparent system, while distrusting the run amok, fraud-laced system that is ran by the Federal Reserve. If people trust bitcoin, then they will use them as a store of value. There are only 21 million bitcoins that will ever exist, and there are currently approximately ten million bitcoins. Therefore we may state that based on supply and demand the total value of bitcoins, should there be 21 million bitcoins, would be approximately the current price divided by 21 million over 10 million, or about $6.40 US. Next, due to the laws of supply and demand, assume a logarithmic scale for adoption as newcomers into the bitcoin market drive bitcoin prices up exponentially due to limited availability. A doubling of the user base would then cause the $6.40 to become $12.80; a further doubling of the user base would cause it to go to $51.40. Should the user base double again the value would go over $200. There are only a few hundred thousand bitcoin users at most So this allows, at the current global population, for the bitcoin community to double 1162 times over.
This means that however many bitcoins you have now, in the future you are always likely to have less. This fact means that bitcoins today will always be worth more in the future, because the same amount of bitcoins will chase the same utility you yourself give to bitcoins today, but also every newcomer to the scene will also chase the same utility with whatever bitcoins they have as well. Therefore, if you end up on average with 1/5th the bitcoins you have today, the assumption is that bitcoins must rise in price by five times to afford you the utility you have now. If we estimate conservative worldwide adoption numbers of ten million users, we can then easily predict a bitcoin price of over $1,000 per coin.
Of course, the story is not at all like the movies. Even now, it no longer possible to accumulate large amounts of bitcoin easily. Bitcoin has been "money" for too long, that people will spend 10,000 bitcoins for a pizza anymore. Coming by your next bitcoin requires work, or the sale of goods. This is proof that bitcoin has evolved and has found a niche for the average person to use. What remains to be seen is how fast we will get to ten million users and $1,000+ per coin. Based on logic, the number of transactions per day would be a rough estimate of utility as the numbers of users grow. In 2011, the number of bitcoin transactions went up by more than seven times. If we conservatively assume a double each year from here on, then we will reach ten million users in just a few short years.
In conclusion, I believe bitcoins will up more than $1,000 because bitcoins, their trust and use of the currency will cause the utility of bitcoins, and therefore their value, to increase due to bitcoins being available less per person over time. Additionally, as the velocity of bitcoins increases, new utility will be found and is in fact currently being developed. It seems clear to me that while volatility will always be a problem when valuing bitcoins based on some other currency, the only way forward from here is up. Let's enjoy the ride.
If you enjoyed this essay please donate some bitcoins to Mr. Tom Peckelpent, at 1DSUgbTzKnd3WWaYk78jQYd2vNDJR9v5CQ. You may check this address to see how much money this story has generated by visiting blockchain.info/address/1DSUgbTzKnd3WWaYk78jQYd2vNDJR9v5CQ. Thank you and enjoy the new year.