Uhh okay, I'm really sorry I tried to start something without YOUR prior approval and certification.
Listen, it's not about me personally. I'm merely pointing out to you what constitutes a business, and how it is to be brought or born into this specific space. There's no point in fighting ME over it, the criteria won't change, as they're no more mine than they are yours.
I did go through your post several months ago and did indeed take into account everything you suggested. As such, it was valuable at the time.
That's great, but sadly it doesn't show here. At all.
Besides, substantiation isn't something I owe you in any way. We all learn in our own ways. Just because you read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People doesn't mean you follow all 7 habits. You take what you think is good and worthy for your idea and go.
I prefer literature. Anyway, again, this isn't about me. You "owe" substantiation to those you'd like to use your service, inasmuch as asking them to use it without taking the proper steps aforehand is pretty much begging with a promise slapped on top. That this isn't what you'd like it to be is not the contention.
Asking for tips is just asking for feedback. Not sure why you felt offended by that. Won't ask again from you.
I've been running this site successfully with several thousand orders over the past few months and no issues and zero negative feedback. Just thought I'd share it with the community here in case it interests anyone, that's all.
Nobody's offended. If you profess to have read the seminal post on what steps to take in your very situation, however, and ignore or brush them aside only to ask for "any other tips", you'll be rebuffed with extreme prejudice, because really now.
It's great that you've had a positive experience thus far. Merely saying so doesn't do anything for anyone operating sanely, once money is involved.