www.bitcoinsports.eu/bet/8b2cd (Bet placed Thu, Sep 26, 9:22 PM EDT)
I sent 3.4 BTC to the address provided, here is the blockchain info: http://blockchain.info/tx/d0f4656f140fc6dd98dff0b80d93cf2cdc4c50257f6b6398d675fbf9520a0442
I appreciate your assistance in this matter.
That slip said to send UP TO 3.38, so you placed a wager too large to be handled by the sportsbook. Maximum wagers are based on the bankroll of the book, so I wouldn't expect this bet to be processed as a wager, but you should probably get it refunded.
This is incorrect. On 9/26 it said "send up to 3.4 BTC to this address." On 9/27 it said "3.4 BTC sent from 1GaJ4VaQ2XuRWiVHtt98AhbECjNg3J9Tj6", ACKNOWLEDGING THE WAGER HAD BEEN PLACED. Now on 9/28 it says pending, "please send up to 3.38 BTC". They accepted the wager on 9/27.
I hope you have documentation of that, since your story doesn't add up with what is shown on that slip.
And that is my point, it was changed after the fact. Do you think I would be silly enough to send more than the maximum wager? I always check the wager to make sure it was accepted, and it was.
It's hard to believe that it was manually changed. Bit365 responds quickly, though, so just sit tight for him to investigate.
The max bet amount changes slightly hour by hour as bets are graded but the max amount at the time your bet is placed will always be honored.