Interesting. I wonder what would people like QuickSeller and Vod think about this game. Will there support of play this game? Anyway, how much do I need to pay if I want to be one of the character inside the game? :evil:.
Well they should feel proud to be bosses of the game. If you really want to be in the game i could make you a npc or something haha.
You can also fight various bosses like Dooglus
When can I pre-order? I'm extremely interested in being able to play this game for...ehm...educational and testing purposes...
Any alpha copies?
Is my representation of dooglus accurate? I wasnt sure if i made him look good enough. He is not the only boss of course, you will be able to fight Vod, theymos and many others.
I wasnt sure if i wanted to make Quickseller a boss so instead i made him the merchant of the game.
Seems pretty damn accurate to me, but someone page dooglus for his opinion
Fighting Vod? This is top quality stuff mate, you're going to make bank off the people who hate Vod
Make sure you portray theymos as a thermos flask. That's important. Also make sure that Quickseller has a chained up scammer next to him. That'd be pretty sweet.
Damn the theymos idea is gold, i honestly didnt know how to portray him exactly but i will make sure to take in count your idea. Anyways about Quickseller.
This is the best i could come up with in a few minutes, it will be better later.