I do not know him, probably because he was not that active again after August 2017. May his soul rest in peace.
Me neither, probably for the same reason but I felt a little sorry for him because he looked young. In the end, Bitcointalk is like life itself, with the only difference that we don't see each other's faces here.
I see the gofundme has exceeded the expected amount already, at least it will help the wife and kids a little with material issues. May he rest in peace.
Thank you.
Yes, the Gofundme has reached the expected amount to cover some initial costs. But to stay in their house, a little more (around €32.000 more) is still needed, so it's still open for donations.
Quoted from the article in "Noordhollands Dagblad":
Zijn familie is nu een inzamelingsactie gestart. Doel is om vijftigduizend euro op te halen. ’Joeri was de enige kostwinner van zijn jonge gezin. Joeri heeft twee jonge meisjes die voor de rest van hun leven zonder hun vader moeten. We zullen als familie er alles aan doen om te zorgen dat zijn vrouw opgevangen wordt, financieel geholpen wordt, en wordt bijgestaan in iedere stap van dit gruwelijke verwerkingsproces’, aldus de tekst bij de inzamelingsactie.
His family has now started a fundraising campaign. The goal is to raise fifty thousand euros. 'Yuri was the sole breadwinner of his young family. Joeri has two young girls who have to live without their father for the rest of their lives. As a family, we will do everything we can to ensure that his wife is taken care of, is helped financially, and is assisted in every step of this gruesome recovery process," says the text of the fundraising campaign.
I don't expect to find donations on a forum where everyone is pretty much anonymous but every Euro counts...