Well, I wouldn’t notice as the session is said to have taken just about 10minutes and I wasn’t active at the time.
Still, it’s an interesting site you’ve shared being entirely new to me.
I also confirmed from downforeveryoneorjustme to be sure the problem was not at my end.
I had a quick visit and read on it just minutes to making this post and it clearly shows the site been active at the time and the exception was directed at me with the site being up now. Though, a downtime didn’t reflect in the site downtime records within the last 24hours which implies, there wasn’t anything major about it. Which gives reasons to be cool about these brief sessions!
There operandum is based on the networking of servers as in quote;
This server check is performed from an edge node closest to you, from a network that is present in over 285 cities and 100+ countries. We then check the server status code returned to show you if bitcointalk.org is up or down.
Still a good one.