As many have already said, fantastic site. Can't believe it took me so long to discover it. For me one thing is missing though. I would love it if you added one tiny feature. Clarkmoody has a tool built into their charts that allows you to calculate how much money/bitcoins can be bought/sold based on the exchange's current depth (and also tells you the slippage if you were to buy/sell that particular amount). I use it constantly for myriad reasons and it seems on every other site that follows the markets they omit this one feature. It is the single thing that keeps me religiously using clarkmoody over other sites and unfortunately clarkmoody only uses data from mt gox. I can't imagine it would be difficult to integrate, and I can tell you that small feature would make a big difference when people are watching the charts and are trying to decide which exchange offers the best bang for buck if they intend on buying/selling a largish amount.
In any case, great work. It looks very slick and professional.