- in a candle info display time in 24H format or at least provide a setting for that, AM/PM makes it harder for me to evalute time spans
- now that there's a settings window move less frequently used settings there and collapse the two horizontal bar in a single one as suggested early, I'd leave out only time period setting
- introduce presets, you save current settings' status then access a saved preset from a popup menu outside settings window, this will keep the UI clean and let the users configure the application the way they like, an user is only using so much settings combination
Thank you for suggestion. but I'm afraid most of those request cannot be applied.
12hrs is quite popular in charts, and easier to know it is moring and evening. such as Google Yahoo Finance use 12hrs too. and I prefer 12 hrs, so the default time keep 12hrs. The time format setting will be added in future.
The MA/EMA bar will not be moved into settings. because it is not part of settings and many other indicators such as Bolling, Sar could be placed in. let users can switch them quickly is important. currently it is 2 clicks to switch. in future it will be improved to 1 click.
Light button indicate we have a light version obviously, Users need not to think or ask himself if there is a light version or find it where it is. if it isn't in header then it must be in footer.
Collapse the two horizontal bar in a single one cannnot be produced too. BitcoinWisdom is not only charts website, so in future it will even be 3 lines.
Too many custom settings will make users lose themself. so I will consider to add each setting carefully if it is really need to keep settings as little as possible.