They all are dumbasses, that is the only answer my friend. They have been warned a lot of times, even before the exit scam. They just did it because they wanted to do it.
And i saw that one guy invested all his life savings in there.
So many warnings, so many signs. What were these investors thinking?
Many of us saw it coming, still feels bad for them though.
They acted out of greed and in life when you do that you will often end up getting burned. It was never as if bitconnect were simply going to give up the money that they'd so effectively fleeced. You could be sure the owners would be leaving with a big slice of the pie. I hope that authorities can track them down and bring the justice that should be served but if they have any sense or know how they'll have put already a large chunk of that money towards new identities and now be off the grid somewhere.
in cryptoeconomics there is almost everything greed driven, but communal / communist "authorities" dont really care about cryptoeconomis, they are actually not friendly about it. because many judges and lawyers earn their bread from long term established stock systems. regulated financial systems, now crypto shows up taking a bow around them, the judges, the parliaments, and the police, basically was bribed by the banksters, and run by them, the banksters abused the police and judges as the registration and licensing system, and they paid the others in reward handsomely,
now lets see the reaction.
nevermind we might still see the us state social system mutate into a neocommunist one