I don't know about you guys but seeing that 18 million dogecoin is still giving me nice heartpains. Probably more amazing is how the guy bet over x10 for it with a 1.8 mill worth $4k. I read that doge whales are actually very few so the fact we're attracting them says a log.
Oh and what the hell Nice contest guys! I'm definitely going to tell all of my friends. Wait, friends are those things you get when Santa says you've been a good boy right? Looks like I need to wait for Xmas:(
Is that 18 mill doge whale gonna come back for some prizes?
in fact I am sure that DOGE whales are more common than , say, bitcoin whales
it was pretty easy to mine copious amounts of doge back in the days
and I myself had abandoned pools that are no longer operational,that I forgot logins to or I didn't like and I would just switch my miners to a new one leaving tens thousands of unclaimed doge
you could get a million doge a day easily , so 18 mil doge just looks like it is something unimaginable
in any case , kudos to that guy for hitting this 10x , very balsy
and maybe he will be the one to take the top prize in the competition as well , who knows?