So far, Kraken hasn't lost any coins, which is more than can be said for most but nobody is invincible. Staying secure is a constant, ongoing battle. The hackers, thanks to their successes, are amazingly well financed and have an unlimited amount of time with which to mount their attack. We, on the other hand, need to provide an uninterrupted, perpetual, flawless performance.
If we weren't confident in our abilities, we wouldn't be in this business. There's a difference between being confident and being cocky though. If you don't think you could be next, you're next. Nobody has a lock on security but I think our record speaks for itself.
I'm not out there opportunistically trying to pump Kraken because I think it'd be in poor taste. Not only that, I'm too busy battening down the hatches to proactively capitalize on this disaster.
It's been a shitty day. I'm thinking about the Bitcoinica liquidation of 2012 that has not concluded, the MtGox liquidation of 2014, whose victims we've been helping for the past two years, that has not concluded, and the thousands of people who've had their lives destroyed. It seems that every two years we must relearn our lessons.
I apologize if I have not been reassuring. If you don't control the keys, it's not your bitcoin.