I guess there's also Trezor, but that cost money and I guess could become damaged.
You can laminate your paper wallets, this way it can last longer and only theft or a fire is a issue. The trezor comes with paper sheet where you write your 24 words seed to recover your trezor wallet anytime if your trezor become damaged or lost. If you have spare 1/8 BTC for the trezor, buy it. If not, laminated paper wallets is good option as well.
When you are creating a paper wallet, any malware on your computer can read the private keys. If you print out the paper wallet the attack surface is increased as your private key will be sent out over your network unencrypted. Even if you use an encrypted paper wallet you are still in danger from keyloggers. A hardware wallet is immune to these attacks.
That's why you use an air gapped computer.