Satoshi:0.14.1 1599 (22.74%)
Satoshi:0.14.0 1589 (22.59%)
Satoshi:0.13.1 775 (11.02%)
Satoshi:0.13.2 586 (8.33%)
and you havnt even got anywhere close to 95% nodes either...
and you wonder why pools are hesitant..
they know that segwit is cludgy and creates a tier network that can cause issues. they wont risk anything unless there is a PROPER good node count to mitigate orphan risks.
plus you cant blame pools for being the electerate, when it was blockstream that handed only the pools the ballot paper(analogy not literally)
yet the DCG portfolio group of blockstreamists really wanna push the UASF granade. rather than sit down and ask what can the devs do to get more community consensus.
meanwhile anything not blockstream are not threatening PoW nukes, no mandatory delay deadlines, no threats.
i have a question for you..
do you even understand segwit.
1. activation or users moving funds over to segwit keys, which do you think will actually cause any difference
2. what does segwit do to prevent native/legacy issues
i know the answers, but lets see your rhetoric
when answering 1-2 do not resort to checking reddit or twitter for pre-scripted replies.
i wonder how much you actually know about segwits gestures. hopes, expectations.. vs reality