I agree and just looking at the fees and the start price it looks like they are only looking at the business plan from the aspect of making their money back and not at the long-term of making it a full-time business otherwise they would lower the initial cost and their fees down were it becomes attractive to everyone and instead of breaking even on a few people and then going bankrupt they would have a very viable long-term business generating a profit.
Microsoft thinks this way, with every XBOX 360 sold Microsoft took a hit of $100 or so. I am not sure if they are taking any hit on the Xbox One but it wouldn't surprise me if they where. MS knew if they sold it in volume that people would buy buy their services which would make up for the loss, well these guys at Bit Plastic already have the service they just need to think of it in terms of volume.
NASA thought in terms of volume when the Space Shuttle was around and not blowing up, they offered to put companies satellites into orbit at half the cost it would take to launch them by rocket. They had people lined up out the door! And then they fucked up and blew the shuttle up!
I sincerely doubt they had a business plan, not one that didn't deserve to go in the bin anyway