Please check the program description more carefully. We accept no "investments", just like you don't "invest" when you gamble. It's is gambling, pure and simple. But with a twist, since you can do it intelligently, by checking the program balance and cashflows. So it's probably more like chess
Is it then gambling or a game of chess? Or maybe an investment after all? Those are just name tags, doesn't really matter how you call it. The important element is the underlying structure. It's not the "how we call it", it's "how it works".
Why do you think "prospectors" do their best to hide the fact that they run a Ponzi? Why do they create a shiny layer on top of their "operation". Why don't they simpy say that they run a financial pyramid?
Why did Madoff's pyramid fall? Because of the SEC stepping in? Do you think that his faith would be different if he would say at some point that he runs a Ponzi scheme? Even if it was legal?
Please notice one point that makes you different from Madoff, his yearly return from what I remember was at around 10%, your return is 50% in 7 days. It's a huge difference, and he still wasn't able to sustain the pyramid.
I like this project as I would brand it an experiment. I am really curious how it plays out, you really should consider promoting yourself somehow. The reason for calling it a pyramid is that you need a proportional increase of money flow from newcomers to pay to the oldcomers, and then evenly more inflow from newercomers to pay the previous newcomers:) but you already know that. Mathematically, odds for sustaining this pyramid are not on your side, but if you persuade gamblers that this is a gamble and that they can win as long as they decide to play, who knows, maybe this scheme would finally work and it could be named after you As always, best wishes to everyone.