Earn upto 0.001BTC per click
Earn revenue by buying and selling Bitshares
Keep Bitshare and earn weekly dividend.
Be one of the early bird and get benefited by Bitsharemarket. Join Now: http://bitsharemarket.com
What type of shares? Is this going to be like Havelock investments?
Yes something like Havelock Investment where website owner can sell some of their company shares. In BitshareMarket we divided our company in 1 million shares and members are allowed to buy/sell/trade these shares.
Simply members buy/sell/trade these shares to get profit or they just keep the shares and get weekly dividend from the revenue generated by Bitsharemaket.
For example a member buy 100000 shares at a price of 0.00001BTC each. He can then sell it to higher price or he keep that shares and get 10% of revenue generated by Bitsharemarket as he is the 10% share holder of Bitsharemarket.
But what are people buying shares in? The website? Is it making any money? Or are you doing a capital raise for something?