Oh god, Here we go again. We're about to get Mtmlr'd
You're probably trolling, but in case you're serious, I'll respond exactly once to this kind of statement.
Unlike the subject of your prior experience, I'm not hiding behind a cloak of anonymity. I'm a professional, I'm public about this, and I'm posting under my real name. If you're really curious, here you go:
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dga/My recent research is in high performance, memory-efficient algorithms. You may choose or not choose to believe me, of course. I could be lying and pretending to be some CS researcher somewhere. But if you look on my blog or other sources, you should be able to conclude pretty quickly that I'm not.
I'll be blunt, of course, that I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to get compensated for a fun side project that I invested waaaaayyyy more time into over my christmas and new years breaks than I should have. The miner is now working, I'm running it on my computers at home. I was running it on EC2 GPU instances for a while (about 600 c/s total across the GPU and CPU), but the spot prices jumped back up to the point where it wasn't profitable. *shrugs*
If you want to be constructive, how about suggesting some good mechanism of escrow or other approach so that there's only money transferred when people are satisfied that the miner is actually functional?