It is indeed a financial experiment, if you dont want to take any risk, stay away from it. But don't call it a scam. Bitcoin was also an experiment.
There is a huge team of BitShares developers in Blacksburg, Virginia which are all publicly known. There are well known and respected supporters. Bo Shen, who is a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation in China, is a supporter and member of the BitShares team.
So please join the discussion and bring up critical points why this all might not work. But don't be so blunt to call it a scam! The market mechanisms are definitely complex and doubts are justified why it could not work, like with any experiment. But not everything you can not intellectually comprehend is a scam.
uh oh!
Is there some link to the CIA here?!
Google blacksburg and cia,,,
yep run from this one
All I found was that the CIA is recruiting in Blacksburg / at Virginia Tech. That is it?
Daniel Larimer from BitShares is the biggest libertarian / anti cia guy I can think of :
Do your own research and drop your ideology and abstruse theories.