Hi guys, I hope i'm posting this in the right forum and figured everyone should be aware of the person NWObitcoin over at Bitsler is. Apparently it's totally acceptable for him to insult a user in private message according to Bitsler's support as well. Screenshot will be at the bottom.
Some context, I was muted for three days by NWObitcoin for asking a moderator in chat to mute someone for insulting and harassing me. I didn't fire an insult back at this user or anything, I simply asked Matt if he could do his job and mute the user causing issues. Nope, and I get muted for three days..So i private messaged NWOBitcoin yesterday to ask him why I was muted and why it's okay for moderators to pick and choose who they enforce the rules against. I dont think it's too much to ask that the rules of chatrooms at all sites be applied fairly and consistently regardless of VIP level..
NWOBitcoin refused to answer any of my questions as he simply ignored them, and then called me a 'baby' and a 'troublemaker.' When I fired back and called him a 'prick' he then permanently muted me from the chatroom at Bitsler. Be aware, no one else could see this conversation except us as it was in a whisper message. It seems NWObitcoin has a pride issue and is nothing but petty and power hungry.
https://ibb.co/XkMz9M5I can't figure out how to put the screenshot directly in this post..but the link above is a screenshot of part of our conversation..