
Topic: BitSolitaire - Bitcoin Solitaire for the win! (Read 4406 times)

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
If someone actually win at your site, it doesnt always means that the person actually doing a fraud way to win, if you are the admin of the site, you can easily verify this by looking at his previous game and determine if he indeed had used a fraud way to win, The house doesnt always win

I paid couple players, there is no problem with winners. There is problem ONLY with this specific guy which was ruining house. I already paid him before thinking that its statistical coincidence.
sr. member
Activity: 295
Merit: 250
Nenávist má sestru, to je závist.
Site is probably a scam.

He must know something is up becuase you are supposed to lose or win little btc.

When he saw 1.5BTC going away, only viable reason is someone cheated instead of him cheating you.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1016
Thanks for letting us know this does not sound good and to be honest just sounds like not very good excuses not to pay, op your site has been up awhile and if it is provably fair what could possibly be the problem of his wins being 'exceptionally strange' could you give more details please/?

Software bug, crypto weakness, rules implementation...dont know yet. Provably fair system doesnt mean its hacker proof system.

Yes, site has been up awhile but this guy is first who is somehow able to consistently multiply his deposits ten times and eventualy ruin whole game.

I stoped the site until it will be solved. I will deal with this asap.

If someone actually win at your site, it doesnt always means that the person actually doing a fraud way to win, if you are the admin of the site, you can easily verify this by looking at his previous game and determine if he indeed had used a fraud way to win, The house doesnt always win

and also provably fair isnt a hacker proof system, it is a system that prevent the house to cheat
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000

Thanks for letting us know this does not sound good and to be honest just sounds like not very good excuses not to pay, op your site has been up awhile and if it is provably fair what could possibly be the problem of his wins being 'exceptionally strange' could you give more details please/?

How much is owed?#

I wanted to come and play here before i deposited though i look for reviews and found this i will have read threw most of the thread to make sure people get their withdrawal because if you don't get it it is hardly worth it.

Is this just a one off?

At the first I did lose big time, but at one point I worked out a system to play with. I'm playing by the rules, I'm not using a bug or anything. But I did had some winning streaks and after a couple of payouts, he now starts complaining about it. He owns me 1.5 BTC now and why would he keep the game online if he thinks it's bugged?

Nice a system is not a cheat though is it so it, seems very suspicious that he is holding back your winnings from an outsider and you are 100% right if he really thought there was a bug/cheat/glitch he would ask you to tell him for a bounty or just shut down until he found it himself..

In the scheme of things that is really not a massive win so what happens if a whale came along and won 10-20x that much?

Luckily they won't though because they have seen how the smaller withdrawals are taken care of they will not risk it as i won't risk even a smaller amount until this gets sorted one way or another.

Good luck getting your btc bud

EDIT: he has shut up shop until it is sorted that seems better.
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
Thanks for letting us know this does not sound good and to be honest just sounds like not very good excuses not to pay, op your site has been up awhile and if it is provably fair what could possibly be the problem of his wins being 'exceptionally strange' could you give more details please/?

Software bug, crypto weakness, rules implementation...dont know yet. Provably fair system doesnt mean its hacker proof system.

Yes, site has been up awhile but this guy is first who is somehow able to consistently multiply his deposits ten times and eventualy ruin whole game.

I stoped the site until it will be solved. I will deal with this asap.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 100

Thanks for letting us know this does not sound good and to be honest just sounds like not very good excuses not to pay, op your site has been up awhile and if it is provably fair what could possibly be the problem of his wins being 'exceptionally strange' could you give more details please/?

How much is owed?#

I wanted to come and play here before i deposited though i look for reviews and found this i will have read threw most of the thread to make sure people get their withdrawal because if you don't get it it is hardly worth it.

Is this just a one off?

At the first I did lose big time, but at one point I worked out a system to play with. I'm playing by the rules, I'm not using a bug or anything. But I did had some winning streaks and after a couple of payouts, he now starts complaining about it. He owns me 1.5 BTC now and why would he keep the game online if he thinks it's bugged?
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
Do not play here, I'm waiting a week for my pay out now. If you win to much they only offer to pay back your deposit.

Well, you can tell how much we payed you total vs. how much you deposited Smiley
I honestly said that another payments to you will be on hold until we will find the bug, your win/loose ratio is all the time exceptionaly strange.

There is no bug, if you can flip the deck unlimited turns it gets much easier to win. And it's not like I win every time I make a deposit, but if I have a good run it goes big quick.
You had 10 days to check the records and you didn't find anything. So it's time to pay!

Thanks for letting us know this does not sound good and to be honest just sounds like not very good excuses not to pay, op your site has been up awhile and if it is provably fair what could possibly be the problem of his wins being 'exceptionally strange' could you give more details please/?

How much is owed?#

I wanted to come and play here before i deposited though i look for reviews and found this i will have read threw most of the thread to make sure people get their withdrawal because if you don't get it it is hardly worth it.

Is this just a one off?
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 100
Do not play here, I'm waiting a week for my pay out now. If you win to much they only offer to pay back your deposit.

Well, you can tell how much we payed you total vs. how much you deposited Smiley
I honestly said that another payments to you will be on hold until we will find the bug, your win/loose ratio is all the time exceptionaly strange.

There is no bug, if you can flip the deck unlimited turns it gets much easier to win. And it's not like I win every time I make a deposit, but if I have a good run it goes big quick.
You had 10 days to check the records and you didn't find anything. So it's time to pay!
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
Do not play here, I'm waiting a week for my pay out now. If you win to much they only offer to pay back your deposit.

Well, you can tell how much we payed you total vs. how much you deposited Smiley
I honestly said that another payments to you will be on hold until we will find the bug, your win/loose ratio is all the time exceptionaly strange.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 100
Do not play here, I'm waiting a week for my pay out now. If you win to much they only offer to pay back your deposit.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1034
Played a few times. Deposited a bit, won a bit, then lost. Good design, and who doesn't love solitaire. I will most likely come back in the future.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1002
Tried it and I lost Smiley

But it's a nice game Smiley
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
I have to agree with JimClone.
I believe faucet (even a small one) will boost the traffic to your website and the popularity.  Grin

Do you wish to play Solitaire for faucet?

Get free Bitcoins at CoinXerox by playing Tic Tac Toe. Then use your winnings on CoinXerox SolitaireWink

sr. member
Activity: 668
Merit: 393 Multiple Games, Multiple Coins
I have to agree with JimClone.
I believe faucet (even a small one) will boost the traffic to your website and the popularity.  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
When you going to introduce a faucet? It will only help your business.
Activity: 3808
Merit: 1723
Yes I lost it also. Its seems easy but its actually pretty hard.

Well off to play some other casino game like slots.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
Cool! I like solitaire. One of the best thing to kill some time when I'm too bored and lazy to do anything sensible Smiley.
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
Could you also look into what happened to my deposit? I already wrote you a support email but you haven't replied. My username on your site is Steve.

You played five games for coins - one game you won and last game you played with all money you had. Nothing unusual what i see in logs... I cant find your email, please send me another if you think there was something strange.
Activity: 100
Merit: 10
Vires in numeris.
Sorry for delay - some payments are manualy accepted - and it was weekend, i have family Smiley

Could you also look into what happened to my deposit? I already wrote you a support email but you haven't replied. My username on your site is Steve.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Yesi won 4 games too consecutive , i love your site but the slowest payments made me hate it Sad

I know it sucks. But it is security precaution which can save our ass ...and players deposits. Most of payments realy goes instant but if it meets some criteria system will hold em until we approve.

Developing for bitcoin is very hard and if you manipulate with bitcoins in instant manner your games should be virtualy bug-free or you will loose all in couple milliseconds. And you see this in realtime - most games eventualy disappear because of hackers theft (or scam). Every day i register at least five skilled people trying to hack my games. I was robbed at least three times when i started (and being dumb also).

BUT I will set limits little more free, your withdrawal should be ok even without manual approval.... Smiley

thanks a lot and yes i agree to much hack attempts Smiley , i love your site Smiley
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