I just visited said website...
First impressions: the GUI looks sleek and i see an R3 certificate... That's a big plus, no cloudflare MITM a lot of service fall for.
Now, what did bother me (personally) is the fact that the homepage keeps on "scrolling". When i visit a site like this one, i just want to buy or swap coins, i don't want to see a section "Featured crypto News", let alone secions about "blockchain", "NFT's" or "altcoins". You're an exchange, if i want to read crypto news, i'll visit a site that's dedicated to posting news articles.
A second (very minor) thing i saw => if you open your homepage, go to the "buy/sell crypto"- tab and then click "sell", the default values default to wanting to "sell" 3 ETH, which is over the maximum you're allowed to sell.. So just by clicking around without entering anything, i'm faced with a warning message... Not a big problem at all, just something you might want to look at?
An other thing i see: you indicate "no extra fees", but the help-box makes it clear this means that the amount indicated is the amount i'll receive... You do add some fees (which is normal, you're a business afterall). Maybe it would be nice to indicate that you do charge a fee (maybe even tell us what the fee is?).
I was checking your headers and suddenly noticed something... Is it correct you're running apache 2.4.6 (released in 2013)?
When it comes to security headers... It might be a good idear to check the following (not all of them might apply to your case)
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Content-Security-Policy
- X-Frame-Options
- X-Content-Type-Options
- Referrer-Policy
- Permissions-Policy