If you want proof you can check the Adscend media offerwall.. Or if i can figure out how to upload pictures to this. But my highest users total amount earned is 12,815,930 or $91 at the tiem of speaking. They havent been active in months. Ive paid over $2k to my users so far... My reviews are very bad because i released the app before it was ready and it had this huge bug where it crashed on all android 4.X devices. IE, the majority of the marketplace. Spent $100 on advertising that really just ended bad. GOt around 100 bad reviews in a day. As for the latest ones, those are literally people who found a hack in my app (still havent fixed the bug, so withdrawals arent even instant right now, you have to email me to get ti withdrawn. it will be fixed very very soon though.), and got mad when i called them out on it. If one of the reviews i replied and have a link to a picture where the user admitted to hacking my app. Since then hes had a vendetta out against me. So those are all the downs in my app. i never lied about anything. People really do earn millions of satoshi in one day (use adscend for highest earning). Most people earn around $50 from my app in one week. THen never come back to use it again. I think they get tired of it or maybe just dont care. I dont know, i do get around 50 new users every week. and around 35 of them stay. Google Dev Console tells me that much. Most are small earners, getting about $5 a day.
$50 one week is pretty high earning, just through faucet rotator and offer wall? Wow. My experience I just earn maximum $20 one week using faucet and offerwall, and need a lot online, download, kill more bandwidth. And I need to considering app which I download from offerwall.