Please show us the proof of all the coins you hold for your bankroll. Addresses would be nice to check how big the bankroll is for each coin of those 79 coins.
I don't think showing the addresses of these wallets is necessary. I assume many people see Blackjack as a reputable casino and will trust what its representative says. You might have your reservations about the casino but this doesn't mean they are not trustworthy. There is no perfect organisation, they keep striving towards achieving flawless services.
Words are cheap and easy to shout out. A reputable casino should publish how big or small the bank roll is, if you trust them, that is your decision.
A big bank roll will always attract big and small players. A small bank roll will only attract small players, if at all!
Why other big casinos have no problem to publish their bankroll for example and I can say that they are much more trustworthy than
I definitely get the angle you are coming from, and i sure think what you are requesting for is not out of place, but the question is, how many other casinos make there bankroll public aside from bustabit youve mentioned? How many other popular casinos have made their bankroll public for all to see, because for me, I don't think this is really that necessary though I do agree with you that this move will definitely attract really big players to the casino if their bankroll is large enough, and would also raise the casino's reputation and customer's trust for them to the roof tops, but still, making this information public is still in the casino's descretion, it's up to them to decide to do it, they aren't going to do it because you asked them to, and not even we as a community come together and ask them to, except there is a serous issue on ground which requires them to make such information public for community verification and so on.
Like I said before, I sincerelly buy into the idea, but then, it's not a do or die affair, is a very popular casino on this forum atleast, they are well known and trusted and by many, with or without them making the information you requested for public, those who trust them enough will still continue to play there, regardless of the fact that they have been inactive on this forum for a while and just resuming activity again.