
Topic: Blackmail - page 2. (Read 514 times)

Activity: 4256
Merit: 8551
'The right to privacy matters'
December 25, 2021, 01:20:10 PM
I'm curious: OP's username looks like they're just using Bitcointalk for spam. Or they're dumb enough to get more spam on their real email address.

I believe it is both, and in addition to that the OP is trolling for attention with that spam post. I do not know why someone had to merit his post.

Dude it is Christmas Day and if we can't have some generosity on that day why bother. I gave 7 newbies a merit today Just because it is Christmas.

Oh to the op here is the email I got "blackmailing me"


I hɑνe to shaгe bad ɴews wἱth yσu. Aρρᴦoxἰᴍɑtely a ḟew ᴍᴏᴨths ɑɡᴏ, I ɡɑἱᴨed acϲess tᴏ youг ďeѵἰces, whἱϲh you use ḟoг ἱɴteгᴨet bгowsἱᴨɡ. Aḟteг that, I hɑνe staᴦted tᴦɑcᴋἰɴɡ youг ἱᴨteᴦᴨet ɑctἰνἰtἱes.

Heгe ἰs the sequeɴᴄe σḟ eѵeɴts:

Soᴍe tἱᴍe aɡσ, I ρuгϲhased acϲess tσ eᴍaἰl aϲᴄouɴts ḟгᴏᴍ hɑᴄкeгs (ᴨᴏwadɑys, ἰt ἰs quἱte sἰᴍρle tᴏ buy ἱt oᴨlἱɴe). I hɑѵe easἰly ᴍɑᴨɑɡed tᴏ loɡ ἱɴ to youᴦ eᴍɑἱl ɑcᴄᴏuɴt [email protected].

Oɴe weeĸ lɑteᴦ, I haνe ɑlгeady ἰᴨstɑlled the Tᴦoյaɴ νἰгus ᴏᴨ the Opeᴦɑtἰᴨɡ Systeᴍs oḟ ɑll the ďeѵἱᴄes you use to ɑϲᴄess youᴦ eᴍɑἰl. It wɑs ɴᴏt haᴦd ɑt all (sἱᴨce you weᴦe ḟᴏllᴏwἱɴɡ the lἱɴкs ḟᴦoᴍ yᴏuᴦ ἱɴbox eᴍɑἱls). All ἱɴɡeᴨἰous ἰs sἰᴍple. Smiley

Thἰs sσḟtwɑгe pгσѵἱdes ᴍe wἰth aᴄϲess to all yᴏuᴦ ďeνἱces' ϲoɴtгᴏlleᴦs (e.ɡ., yᴏuг ᴍἰϲгoρhoɴe, νἰďeσ caᴍeгɑ, aᴨd ᴋeyboaᴦd). I hɑѵe dowᴨloaďed all youᴦ ἰɴḟoгᴍatἱoɴ, ďata, phσtos, web bгᴏwsἱɴɡ hἰstσᴦy tσ ᴍy seᴦѵeᴦs. I haνe ɑᴄcess to ɑll yσuᴦ ᴍesseɴɡeᴦs, soϲἱɑl ᴨetwoгᴋs, eᴍaἱls, ᴄhat hἱstoгy, ɑᴨď ᴄᴏɴtɑcts lἰst. My ѵἰᴦus ᴄσᴨtἰᴨuᴏusly ᴦeḟгeshes the sἱɡᴨɑtuᴦes (ἰt ἱs ďгἱѵeг-baseď) ɑɴd heᴨce гeᴍɑἱɴs ἱᴨνἱsἱble ḟᴏг ɑɴtἱѵἰᴦus soḟtwaᴦe.

Lἰкewἱse, I ɡuess by ɴow you uᴨďeᴦstɑᴨď why I hɑνe stɑyed uɴdetecteď uɴtἱl thἰs letteᴦ.

Whἱle ɡatheгἱɴɡ ἱɴḟᴏᴦᴍɑtἰᴏɴ ɑbᴏut yᴏu, I hɑѵe dἰscoѵeгeď that you ɑᴦe a bἰɡ ḟɑɴ ᴏḟ ɑdult websἱtes. You loѵe νἰsἱtἰɴɡ poгᴨ websἰtes ɑᴨd wɑtchἰɴɡ exϲἱtἱᴨɡ νἰdeos whἰle eɴďuᴦἰᴨɡ ɑɴ eɴσᴦᴍσus aᴍᴏuᴨt σḟ ρleasuᴦe. Well, I hɑνe ᴍɑᴨɑɡeď tσ гeϲσгď ɑ ᴨuᴍbeг oḟ youᴦ ďἱгty sᴄeᴨes aᴨď ᴍσɴtaɡed ɑ ḟew ѵἱdeᴏs, whἱᴄh shᴏw how yᴏu ᴍɑstuᴦbate ɑᴨd ᴦeach oгɡasᴍs.

Iḟ you haνe ďσubts, I ϲɑɴ ᴍɑкe a ḟew clἰcᴋs σḟ ᴍy ᴍσuse, aᴨd ɑll youг ѵἱďeos wἰll be shaгeď wἰth youᴦ ḟᴦἱeɴďs, cσlleɑɡues, aᴨď ᴦelatἰѵes. I alsσ hɑѵe ɴᴏ ἱssue ɑt ɑll wἰth ᴍaкἱᴨɡ theᴍ aѵɑἱlɑble ḟoг ρublἰϲ aᴄᴄess. I ɡuess you doᴨ't waɴt thɑt tᴏ happeᴨ. Cσᴨsἱďeᴦἰᴨɡ the sρeϲἰḟἱcἰty σḟ the νἱdeos yᴏu lἱĸe to watch (yᴏu peᴦḟeᴄtly кᴨσw what I ᴍeaɴ), ἰt wἰll cɑuse a гeɑl cɑtastᴦoρhe ḟᴏг you.

Let's settle ἰt thἱs way:
You tгaɴsḟeᴦ $1855 USD to ᴍe (ἰᴨ Bἰtcᴏἰᴨ equἱѵaleᴨt aϲcᴏᴦďἰɴɡ to the exϲhɑɴɡe гɑte ɑt the ᴍoᴍeᴨt σḟ ḟuᴨds tᴦaᴨsḟeᴦ), aɴd σᴨᴄe the tᴦaɴsḟeᴦ ἰs гeϲeἰνed, I wἰll delete all thἰs dἱгty stuḟḟ ᴦἱɡht away. Aḟteг that, we wἰll ḟᴏᴦɡet ɑbout eaᴄh σtheг. I alsσ ρгoᴍἱse to deactἰѵɑte aᴨd ďelete all the haгᴍḟul sσḟtwɑгe ḟгᴏᴍ yᴏuᴦ deѵἰᴄes. Tгust ᴍe. I кeeρ ᴍy woгď.

Thɑt ἱs ɑ ḟɑἱг deal, aᴨď the ρгἱce ἰs ᴦelatἰѵely lσw, cᴏɴsἱďeᴦἱᴨɡ that I haνe beeᴨ ϲheᴄкἱᴨɡ out yᴏuг pᴦᴏḟἱle aɴď tᴦaḟḟἰc ḟσг sσᴍe tἱᴍe by ɴow. Iḟ yσu dσɴ't ĸᴨᴏw how tᴏ puᴦᴄhase ɑɴd tгaᴨsḟeг bἰtϲoἱᴨs - you ᴄaᴨ use aɴy ᴍoďeᴦᴨ seaгϲh eɴɡἰɴe.

Heгe ἱs ᴍy Bἰtcσἱɴ wɑllet: 1MMjm..............KF2BU2

Yσu haνe less thɑɴ 48 houгs ḟᴦoᴍ the ᴍᴏᴍeɴt you ᴏpeɴeď thἱs eᴍaἱl (pгecἰsely twσ ďays).

Thἱɴɡs yᴏu ɴeed tσ ɑνσἱď ḟгᴏᴍ ďᴏἰɴɡ:
*Dσ ᴨot ᴦeply to ᴍe (I hɑѵe ᴄгeated thἰs eᴍɑἰl ἰɴsἰďe yᴏuᴦ ἰᴨbox ɑɴd ɡeᴨeгɑteď the гetuгᴨ adďгess).
*Do ɴᴏt tгy to coᴨtact the ρσlἰᴄe aᴨd otheг seϲuгἰty seᴦνἰces. Alsσ, ḟoгɡet ɑbᴏut tellἱɴɡ yσuᴦ ḟгἰeᴨďs. Iḟ I dἰscσνeᴦ that (ɑs you cɑɴ see, ἱt ἰs ᴨσt so haгď, ϲoɴsἱďeᴦἱᴨɡ thɑt I coᴨtᴦol all yᴏuᴦ systeᴍs) - youг ѵἰdeᴏ wἱll be shaᴦeď wἰth the publἱc ᴦἱɡht ɑwɑy.
*Doᴨ't tᴦy to ḟἰɴd ᴍe - ἰt ἱs poἰɴtless. All ϲгyρtoϲuᴦᴦeᴨcy tᴦɑɴsaᴄtἰᴏɴs ɑᴦe ɑᴨᴏɴyᴍous.
*Doɴ't tᴦy tσ гeἱɴstall the OS oɴ yᴏuг deνἰces oг thᴦow theᴍ ɑwɑy. It ἰs poἱᴨtless ɑs well sἰɴᴄe ɑll the ѵἰdeos haνe alгeaďy beeɴ saѵeď at ᴦeᴍote seᴦνeгs.

Thἱɴɡs yᴏu ďσɴ't ɴeeď to wᴏггy abσut:
*That I wᴏᴨ't be able tσ гeϲeἰνe yᴏuᴦ ḟuɴď's tгɑᴨsḟeг.
- Doɴ't woггy, I wἰll see ἱt гἱɡht ɑwɑy oᴨce yσu ϲoᴍplete the tгɑᴨsḟeг sἱᴨᴄe I coɴtἱᴨuᴏusly tᴦacĸ ɑll youᴦ ɑϲtἰѵἱtἱes (ᴍy tᴦojɑɴ νἰᴦus hɑs ɡot ɑ ᴦeᴍote-ᴄᴏᴨtгσl ḟeɑtuгe, soᴍethἰɴɡ lἱᴋe TeaᴍVἰeweᴦ).
*That I wἰll shaгe yᴏuг νἱdeos aᴨyway aḟteᴦ you ᴄoᴍρlete the ḟuᴨd's tгɑᴨsḟeг.
- Tгust ᴍe, I haѵe ɴᴏ pᴏἱɴt tᴏ ϲᴏɴtἱᴨue ᴄᴦeɑtἱɴɡ tᴦσubles ἱᴨ youᴦ lἰḟe. Iḟ I waɴted that, I wσuld dσ ἰt ɑ lᴏɴɡ tἰᴍe aɡᴏ!

Eνeгythἰᴨɡ wἰll be ďᴏɴe ἱɴ ɑ ḟaἰᴦ ᴍɑɴɴeᴦ!
Oɴe ᴍoᴦe thἱᴨɡ. Doᴨ't ɡet cɑuɡht ἰɴ sἱᴍἰlaг ᴋἱɴďs σḟ sἰtuatἰoɴs aᴨyᴍᴏᴦe ἱᴨ the ḟutuᴦe!
My aďνἰᴄe: ᴋeeρ ᴄhaɴɡἱɴɡ all youᴦ ρasswσᴦďs ḟгequeᴨtly.


Now to those that complained he is a spammer or a troller.

I see that both loyceV and Maestro75 have paid signatures.  Hey I used to do paid signatures back in the day. I stopped.

oh is uk company and they sell stuff for your fingernails.

and if the op was clever enough to make some money with his name and not a signature he deserves a merit for that.

As it will either allow many to copy his idea or the forum will end up banning member names with an @ in it.

You go Tony
sr. member
Activity: 1960
Merit: 329
December 25, 2021, 12:32:29 PM
I'm curious: OP's username looks like they're just using Bitcointalk for spam. Or they're dumb enough to get more spam on their real email address.

I believe it is both, and in addition to that the OP is trolling for attention with that spam post. I do not know why someone had to merit his post.
Activity: 4256
Merit: 8551
'The right to privacy matters'
December 25, 2021, 11:35:30 AM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?

Actually you can report to the police.

I routinely get emails saying

 “ i took over your computer and recorded you watching porn and pleasuring yourself send me bitcoin” I could report this to the local police and the fbi or not.

Since I have no camera on my pc I know the blackmailing piece of shit does not have me on film.

so I smile and do nothing. I suggest you  do the same
hero member
Activity: 3136
Merit: 591
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
December 24, 2021, 08:23:30 PM
You've received this blackmail in your email? Well, there's nothing you can do about it but DON'T PAY if there are emails blackmailing you and asking you to pay for this xx amount. It's likely that your email has been stored to a list or database and sold to these scammers and they make a story of what you've done for them to blackmail you. I'm guessing that they've given you a set of instructions on how to buy bitcoin and the wallet address where you'll send it. That blackmailing has happened to me but don't believe with their false stories.
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 161
December 24, 2021, 01:57:41 PM
Because that's obviously a matter for the police. Blackmail is punishable by law and that law is enforced by the police, not by a nonexisting entity that is Bitcoin (it's a cryptocurrency, not a government or a company). In the same way that you wouldn't report FIAT blackmail to your local governmental monetary institution (and there is much more structure there than in BTC), you would report it to the police.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 10802
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. MTwain
December 24, 2021, 01:45:39 PM
So if instead they chose to demand a payment in fiat, would you try to report it to your country’s Central Bank? I don’t think so …

The procedure would probably be to report to the authorities in any case, but it would depend on the context of the attempted blackmail, and you really do not provide any details to let other chime-in in the proper direction (as opposed to leaving everybody guessing and hypothesising possible scenarios).

If you really want people to provide their advice, you really should be more thorough depicting the events, and more interactive on this thread.
jr. member
Activity: 39
Merit: 2
December 24, 2021, 12:27:33 PM
Hi ! Bitcoin is a decentralized form of money. And since this is money, you must report the blackmail ... to the police.

Copied and pasted
From this reply
Because Bitcoin is not a company, nor a company's product.
Bitcoin is decentralized, it has no CEO and so on.

Bitcoin is a decentralized form of money. And since it's money, you should report the blackmail to ... the police.
copper member
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1901
Amazon Prime Member #7
December 24, 2021, 12:15:41 PM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?

This guy is the CEO of bitcoin.

Send him a PM.

If he finds you worthy, he will get back to you and unhack you.
Satoshi created bitcoin, but he is not in charge of bitcoin.

I would advise the OP to contact local law enforcement if he is being blackmailed.

My general advice is to not pay a blackmail demand as the person can potentially do whatever they were going to do in the future if you end up paying the blackmail.

If your computer is infected with ransomware, your files are likely lost.
Activity: 798
Merit: 34
December 24, 2021, 11:13:22 AM
You can't report to bitcoin because bitcoin is not a company or institution which you can locate the office of bitcoin.  That is why  if you are doing transactions of bitcoin with anyone you have to be extra careful so that you don't get into any problem. 
hero member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 716
Nothing lasts forever
December 24, 2021, 10:54:13 AM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?

You cannot report it to bitcoin because bitcoin is not a person or an entity or an organization.
If you are being blackmailed then it doesn't really matter if it's bitcoin or fiat money. You will have to follow the same procedure in both the cases.
Find out the reason why you are being blackmailed. If it's just a scammer trying to blackmail you on email or phone then you can ignore.
If it's something else then may be you need the help of cops.
hero member
Activity: 2604
Merit: 816
🐺🐺 - iGaming casino
December 24, 2021, 07:30:20 AM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?
You can report it to the police so they can investigate who the person that blackmailed you is. It is not related to bitcoin because they can ask for fiat money for the ransom. Usually, that thing happens if they have something worth for you and they ask you to pay with money.

But if someone blackmailed you and they asked you to pay in bitcoin, you can not report it to bitcoin or the founder of bitcoin (satoshi). Bitcoin is not a company or organization or whatever that has structured membership.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1385
December 24, 2021, 05:27:17 AM
People put stickers on cameras in their laptops, then they take their smartphones (with 2 cameras and multiple microphones) and go to toilet for "scroll down" sessions...

Hello Friend, i don’t Understand your answer, can you explain it that who put stickers on camera in Their laptop and why they use sticker on Their laptop Camera? Can you tell me here?          

You should do that because you'll never know who is watching and listening to your fap sessions. Especially if you are using windows. Windows is not safe. Windows itself is a spyware/malware. Bill Gates collects all of your data. Use linux on all your devices because it is open source and safe. You don't even need to use any antivirus software with Linux.

LOL ;-)
Yes, all Bill Gates needs are your videos.
BTW: "it is open source and safe" is a false statement. There is no correlation at all. As long as source code is not checked by independent auditors, there could be anything. Last example: open source log4j, which had a critical bug for years.
Android source code is available and what? Plenty of malware and dangerous, phishing applications. iOS is closed, but that problem does not exist because architecture is different (each application lives in their own world, which changes a lot).
So no, there is no one universal solution for all. Each user should use tools he needs, but do it in reasonable way. Using good antivirus system on Windows, like bitdefender does not hurt.
But if one's click on every link he receives, it will not take long time to compromise his data, no matter what system he uses.
full member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 166
December 24, 2021, 12:22:47 AM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?
The case here is of cyber crime and it should be treated as same not involving btc because the case is of blackmailing and they are demanding something in return from you so simply report it to the cyber crime branch along with all the details of them and they will surely help you.Suppose they demand some property or fiat then whom should you contact? Understand basically this is not any btc related but some sort of ransom similar to cash.So just report it.
Activity: 3276
Merit: 2442
December 24, 2021, 12:01:00 AM
People put stickers on cameras in their laptops, then they take their smartphones (with 2 cameras and multiple microphones) and go to toilet for "scroll down" sessions...

Hello Friend, i don’t Understand your answer, can you explain it that who put stickers on camera in Their laptop and why they use sticker on Their laptop Camera? Can you tell me here?         

You should do that because you'll never know who is watching and listening to your fap sessions. Especially if you are using windows. Windows is not safe. Windows itself is a spyware/malware. Bill Gates collects all of your data. Use linux on all your devices because it is open source and safe. You don't even need to use any antivirus software with Linux.
hero member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 501
December 23, 2021, 11:49:10 PM
People put stickers on cameras in their laptops, then they take their smartphones (with 2 cameras and multiple microphones) and go to toilet for "scroll down" sessions...

Hello Friend, i don’t Understand your answer, can you explain it that who put stickers on camera in Their laptop and why they use sticker on Their laptop Camera? Can you tell me here?         
Activity: 3234
Merit: 1214 - Crypto Casino
December 23, 2021, 03:38:32 PM
What's there to open a spam e-mail. If you've been blackmailed with some of your personal data, then you need to worry about it and look for a solution. When there is a blackmail e-mail without anything related to you, whats the need of opening it or analysing it. Just ignore and move away.

In some cases the e-mail lead to phising sites that resembles the original website. If we enter login credentials, they easily take our accounts into control and empty the funds. So, we need to be very careful with each and every activity done on the cryptospace.
sr. member
Activity: 2226
Merit: 347
December 23, 2021, 03:31:19 PM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?
Bitcoin is decentralized and just a currency online but anonymous and decentralized.There's no way that you could do some report and you do have that wrong idea.

This might sound personal but if that blackmailing wont affect your entire life then better to ignore but if this one would mess up your entire life then
you wont really have any choice but to pay.

So its a personal kind of choice to make and since its your money and your life then decide which one would be good for you.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1139
December 23, 2021, 03:20:43 PM
If I'm being blackmailed by somebody who asks me to buy bitcoin and pay it to their account why can I not report this to bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the only coin trusted to be decentralized in the crypto space hence, issue of a bitcoin payment as a form of ransom anf the payment being traceable to the physical owner of the address is impossible. Same rules that applies in legit payments still applies in the fraudulent transactions too. Though the government haven't backed bitcoin for a currency, they would listen to you over some blackmail and direct you on what to do. Mind you, payments often doesn't end the blackmail, its best not to play along.
Activity: 3290
Merit: 16489
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
December 23, 2021, 01:23:58 PM
People put stickers on cameras in their laptops, then they take their smartphones (with 2 cameras and multiple microphones) and go to toilet for "scroll down" sessions...
I'd ask how you know, but I don't dare.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1385
December 23, 2021, 01:22:40 PM
if this is about you having a video jerking in front of a phone then just ignore it.
Also: put a sticker on your camera. Even better if you disable the microphone for privacy too, but that's difficult on phones.

People put stickers on cameras in their laptops, then they take their smartphones (with 2 cameras and multiple microphones) and go to toilet for "scroll down" sessions...
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