The traditional CS currency system has been replaced. When a new user enters the server they are given 1 BLC to get started. The server supports the depositing and withdrawal of Blakecoins. Blakecoins deposited are placed into the players wallet in the game. Players may set a BLC withdrawal address in game, and request withdrawals to that address. There are currently bots running around with fat wallets and low difficulty settings. The bots leave the server when enough players have joined (set to 8 currently). When only 2 players remain alive on oppossing teams dead players are presented with a menu which allows them to bet BLC on which player will win the round. There is also a bounty system, where players can place a BLC bounty on another players head. The person who kills the target first will receive the bounty.
Currently bonuses are given out to players who complete game objectives, such as:
1 BLC bonus for planting the bomb
1 BLC bonus for the bomb exploding
2 BLC bonus for defusing the bomb
A variety of other bonuses are enabled from time to time, such as a bonus for the first,second, and third killer in the round. Round Win bonuses, etc...
When you kill a player you receive 1 BLC, the victim LOSES 1 BLC.
When you kill a player with a headshot you receive 2 BLC, the victim LOSES 2 BLC.
When you kill a player with an HE Grenade you receive 2 BLC, the victim LOSES 2 BLC.
When you kill a player with a knife you receive 3 BLC, the victim LOSES 3 BLC.
If you are killed you LOSE coins per the above. The coins are taken from your wallet balance. You have been warned
Of course, this also opens up the possibility to profit from game play. If you kill a target who's wallet is empty or does not have enough coin to take you will not receive any coin, and they will not lose any coins and will not go negative wallet.
If you see the error in chat:
There was an error loading your wallet, please try re-connecting to the server.
Reconnect to the server and if it still fails, call an admin with the /calladmin command.
Owners of Counter-Strike 1.6 can test the server:
Helpful commands:
Screenshot, Blakecoin logo's added to a few maps. Some original BLC logos and some by bzyzny (nice work).
Please note, no coins are actually stored on the server at that IP
![Roll Eyes](
You can open the console by pressing ~. The command to bind keys is:
bind "key" "action"
bind "b" "say_team /guns"
bind "F10" "say /bounty"
It is possible to vastly improve performance via various client side settings. Inside my steamapps/common/half-life/cstrike directory I have created a file named userconfig.cfg. That file is automatically executed when the game client is run.
gl_vsync "0" //allows for higher then the default fps
fps_max "98.5" //sets your fps in game
cl_updaterate "100" //sets the command rate in game
echo "rate settings on F8 and keywords: dslow,vslow,slow,norm,norm2;fast,vfast,lfast,and rates"
unbind "F8"
alias "dslow" "rate 15000;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 15; bind F8 vslow;echo 15000-15-15-256K Symmetrical"
alias "vslow" "rate 20000;cl_updaterate 20;cl_cmdrate 20; bind F8 slow;echo 20000-20-20-512K Symmetrical"
alias "slow" "rate 30000;cl_updaterate 30;cl_cmdrate 30; bind F8 norm;echo 30000-30-30-1MB Symmetrical"
alias "norm" "rate 40000;cl_updaterate 40;cl_cmdrate 40; bind F8 norm2;echo 40000-40-40-2MB Symmetrical"
alias "norm2" "rate 50000;cl_updaterate 50;cl_cmdrate 50; bind F8 fast;echo 50000-50-50-5MB Symmetrical"
alias "fast" "rate 60000;cl_updaterate 60;cl_cmdrate 60; bind F8 vfast;echo 60000-60-60-5+MB Symmetrical"
alias "vfast" "rate 98000;cl_updaterate 98;cl_cmdrate 98; bind F8 lfast;echo 98000-98-98-10MB down 5MBup or better"
alias "lfast" "rate 100000;cl_updaterate 101;cl_cmdrate 101; bind F8 dslow;echo 100000-100-100-Best with no packet loss"
bind "F8" "dslow"
rate 20000
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdrate 20
echo Rates set to 20000-20-20-512K Symmetrical
This sets my rates to 20000-20-20-512K Symmetrical, and also binds the F8 key. Everytime I press F8 a new set of rates are applied, allowing me to test the different values and see which results in the best performance.
Cheating is NOT allowed in this server. Admins have the ability to spectate game play without being visible on the scoreboard. If you require assistance or think someone is cheating use the /calladmin command. In the event a player is not
obviously cheating you may opt to put up 500 Blakecoins and open a cheat resolution case. An admin will *secretly* spectate the accused player and make use of the ability to take screenshots and demo's on the targets client. If the accused player refuses to upload the recorded screenshots, demo's, etc, or if they are otherwise found to be cheating they will be permanently banned and you will receive your 500 BLC back. If after a thorough review by an admin an accused player is not found to be cheating you will forfeit the 500 BLC you paid and the accused player will receive 400 BLC.