I've reached 30K level now!! Is there any info on what running a BDN node will require? Will there be guides to help people set things up? Am I right in assuming each node will be hosting all of the blockchains, if yes, that would make setting up a BlitzNode quite a technical task.
I'd be interested if anyone was going to offer a paid service to help people set things up.
also, any eta when BlitzNodes & BDN will go live?
Congrats on reaching 30k! Yes to run a BDN node a VPS will be required to host it. This is to ensure uptime and that it has the resources to run the blockchains etc. The process for setting up the node is being mainstreamed so that it will be an easy install for any BDN operator. Guides will be made with simple instructions and easy steps. We will also assist any users that need help with install.
As of now, we have the node limit capped at 20. We have a reserve list that we will start adding from once we need more people to run nodes. I added you to the list KennyP, you are number 4. I can't give an eta at this time but development is constantly ongoing and progress is being made.
Feel free to drop by Slack for more info, or constant updates about Blitz.
https://bitalize.typeform.com/to/b45wkRGreat answer, just what I was hoping for, thanks
Of all the alt coins Blitz stands out as having a solid roadmap that makes sense. I know from experience that maintaining multiple blockchains myself can take a lot of effort, so I expect demand for decentralised blockchain services to end up being high, especially from retail end app providers. I think many alts are based on future speculation about what 'might' take off, but Blitz feels like it almost has a business plan that's tied to crypto growth generally, almost like an index fund. Maybe 25 of the hosted blockchains will tank, but it only takes one or two to have somebody develop a killer app for that experiences viral growth, and Blitz will get caught up in the slip-stream and go along for the ride too.
The connection with SuperNET makes Blitz a great investment too!