Are there any open source tools out there like:-
Crystal Blockchain :- :-
For doing an in depth analysis of any particular transaction or an address on Blockchain of any particular cryptocurrency
Recently SEC also put a same kindaa request on their website:-
"The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is issuing this sources sought notice as a means of conducting market research to determine the availability and technical capability of large and small businesses to provide blockchain data to support the SEC's efforts to monitor risk, improve compliance, and inform Commission policy with respect to digital assets. The SEC is seeking information for potential sources to support the goal of acquiring data for the most widely used blockchain ledgers, including the universe of available information and transaction details." - Quoted from their post.
Please go to the link for complete information:- the internet a lot, but wasn't able to find anything substantial.
If you guys know any such tool, it would be great to know.
And if there's really a dearth of such open source tools then being a developer I think we should start working on it. If anyone is interested in contributing to the soucre code, he/she is most welcome
Please lemme know your views/comments on the same.