The final issue I have is that you've raised a fair bit of money to work on it, but I didn't see where you got consensus that it should be merged into existing codebases. Perhaps I missed it, but I don't think Gavin said he agreed with the necessary protocol changes. He may well have accepted your design in some thread I didn't see though.
My conversations with Gavin in the past were that UTXO commitments and UTXO fraud proofs are a necessary precondition to raising the blocksize because without them you have no way of knowing if miners are committing inflation fraud and no way of proving that to others. Other core dev's like Gregory Maxwell share that opinion. If anyone succeeds in creating a robust implementation doing a PR campaign to educate people about the risks of
not making it part of a blocksize increase is something I would be more than happy to be involved with, and I'm sure you realize it'll be an even easier message to get across than saying limiting the blocksize is a good thing.
Who doesn't want auditing, fraud prevention and fresh home-made all-American apple pie?
One catch is that unfortunately UTXO commitments are in themselves very dangerous in that they allow you to safely mine without actually validating the chain at all. What's worse is there is a strong incentive to build the code to do so because that capability can be turned into a way to do distributed mining, AKA P2Pool, where every participate has low bandwidth requirements even if the overall blockchain bandwidth requirement exceeds what the participants can keep up with. If miners start doing this, perhaps because mining has become a regulated activity and people want to mine behind Tor, it'll reduce the threshold for what is a 51% attack by whatever % of hashing power is doing mining without validation; we're going to have to require miners to prove they actually posses the UTXO set as part of the UTXO-commitment system. That said I'm pretty sure it's possible to allow those possession proofs to be done in a way where participants can maintain only part of the UTXO set, and thus part of the P2P relay bandwidth, allowing low-bandwidth true mining + larger blocksizes without decreasing the 51% attack threshold and helping solve the censorship problem and keeping thus Bitcoin decentralized. The devil is in the details, but at worst it can be done as a merge-mined alt-coin.
Of course that still doesn't solve the fundamental economic problem that there needs to be an incentive to mine in the first place, but an alt-coin with sane long-term economic incentives (like a minimum inflation rate) can always emerge from Bitcoin's ashes after Bitcoin is destroyed by 51% attacks and such an alt-coin can be bootstrapped by having participants prove their possession or sacrifice of Bitcoin UTXO's to create coins in the "Bitcoin 2" alt-coin, providing a reasonable migration path and avoiding arguments about early-adopters. Similarly adding proof-of-stake to the proof-of-work can be done that way. (note that proof-of-stake may be fundamentally incompatible with SPV nodes; right now that's an open research question) None of this is an issue in the short-term anyway as the subsidy inflation won't hit 1% until around 2032 by the very earliest, even later than that in real terms depending on how many coins turn out to be lost. Applications like fidelity bonds and merge-mined alt-coins that all subsidize mining will help extend the economics incentives to mine longer as well.
Yes, I'm less worried about the blocksize question these days because I'm fairly confident there can exist a decentralized cryptocurrency in the future, but I don't know and don't particularly care if Bitcoin ends up being that currency. I'll also point out that if Bitcoin isn't that currency, the alt-coin that is can be created in a way that destroys Bitcoin itself, for instance by making the PoW be not only compatible with Bitcoin, but by requiring miners to create invalid, or better yet, valid but useless Bitcoin blocks so that increased adoption automatically damages Bitcoin. For instance a useless block can be empty, or just filled with low or zero fee transactions for which the miner can prove they posses the private keys too; blocking non-empty blocks would require nodes to not only synchronize their mempools but also adopt a uniform algorithm for what transactions they must include in a block for the block to be relayed and any deviation there can be exploited to fork Bitcoin. (another argument for requiring miners to prove UTXO set possession) Also note how a 51% attack by Bitcoin miners on the alt-coin becomes an x% attack on Bitcoin. Sure you can mess with the Bitcoin rules to respond, but it becomes a nasty cat-and-mouse game...