If someone does not have the resources to store all blocks, or to send all block/transaction data to the internet 8+ times, they should not be forced into doing so.
its not about being forced to.
lets use a mcdonald employee analogy. maybe something more understandable for some
its about not pretending you deserve a 5star gold badge, when you only offer a 1 star service. its about being honest with yourself and others that if you choose to only offer a 1 star service, accept that fact that you are a 1 star service member. be ok that you are a one star member. and stop trying to pretend your 5star contributor.
it doesnt matter if you make 1000 more posts saying the 1star training is all that is needed to be 5star.. reality is there are more things then the 1 star offering involved to be given the 5star badge.
yes 5star contributors also do 1star tasks...
along with many other tasks. but that does not make a 1 star member a 5 star member just because "but 5star guys does my job too'. the 1star member still needs to do more then a 1 star task to be promoted. ignoring all the other jobs a 5star member does, pretending they are insignificant. does not earn you a promotion
just because your a burger flipper and then you see the manager also flips burgers. does not then mean you get to call yourself a manager because you both flip burgers. the manager does other tasks too. which is why he is the manager
its about stop deceiving others that your a full service 5 star contributor. its about realising what you are not contributing to, and thus accepting that lesser position and the hazards to you and others for not being able to do it all.
its simply that you can be a pruner. but call yourself a pruner not a 'full node'.
and no, dont demote a full node description to being 'just verification'. because a full node is not just about verification. there is alot more too it. and if you are still unsure of all the features.. learn
there are many many many things that involve being a full node. not just that at some point in time you verified something.. because months later that set cant be trusted
it has no UTXOset hash to compare to other peers UTXOset to verify the set has not been edited
nodes with nothing more then the lastest 288 blocks and a utxo set cannot in their true heart be 100% sure that their utxo set will never be compromised. they cannot also truly know for sure if it ever was. nor can they help other nodes.
maybe people need to revise and study and research what blockchains offer that spreadsheet accounting doesnt
its not about forcing people to be full nodes. its about getting pruners to accept their limited ability due to their own choice to limit what they do.
sorry but pruners do not get a 5star gold badge. they have not earned the promotion.
again to try bringing the discussion back on topic to the topic creators question
having a whole network of nodes with just 288 latest blocks and then a dataset of unspent values. puts the network at big risk. blockchains were invented for a good reason, doing something that spreadsheet balance accounting cant
it doesnt matter if at some point in the past you checked the balances were real. once verified if you are only storing a balance sheet of what you believe is still unspent. that sheet can become compromised and you have nothing on your system to check it against.
a dataset of unspents should never be used as "same security as blockchains" because it lacks the evidence of origins to ensure no compromise happened. a dataset of unspents should only be used as a quick index to find the real unspent on the actual blockchain. to then double verify the unspent is real when new transactions appear.