blockchain is capable to prevent all types of fraud.. until..
devs stupidly add
CSV/CLTV - laymens: 'chargeback feature during funds balance unavailable' even after confirmation
RBF - laymans: 'replace transaction to fake a payment and double spend while unconfirmed'
CPFP - laymans: 'replace transaction to fake a payment and double spend while unconfirmed'
i do not know what CSV/CLTV is and it is the first time i am hearing it
edit: CLTV is CheckLockTimeVerify and it doesn't allow including in a valid block until the nLockTime is in the past so it don't work on confirmed transaction!!! goes for CSV (CheckSequenceVerify) you explain why you said "even after confirmation"?
but it is worth highlighting that all these (at least CPFP and RBF) will only work on
unconfirmed transactions and as far as i can remember, from day one nobody trusted an unconfirmed transaction and it was always suggested to wait for at least 3 confirmation.
no, read again...
CLTV adds a maturity period to a confirmed transaction. (much like the block rewards 100confirm maturity). this is indeed locked into a blockchain confirmed tx, not a tx sat in mempool
CLTV is different than n-locktime.
nlocktime prevents a tv getting into a block. but CLTV prevents funds being spent(by intended party) for a period AFTER getting into a block
during the CLTV maturity period, CSV can revoke the funds and send them to another destination depending on the terms(destination) of the revoke.
CLTV+CSV = analogy of 3-5 bank business days funds unavailable AFTER withdrawal(confirm) where funds can be charged back