A realistic attacker would deposit a large number of Bitcoins to Mt. Gox and then wait. When he introduces his own rollback chain, it will include a double spend of that deposit to Mt. Gox. This will invalidate all transactions that re-spend those coins, all transactions that re-spend outputs of transactions that spend those coins, and so on. With just a bit of effort, he can invalidate a significant fraction of the transactions that occurred in that time period. He could probably invalidate more than half of them with moderate effort.
He doesn't even need a lot of money to do this. He can deposit, withdraw different coins, and deposit again. He can then double spend both of those deposits, doing double damage with the same coins. (Assuming that double-spending his first deposit doesn't contaminate his own withdrawal. But if it does, then he's already doing major damage.)
An attacker don't need to do a double spend with his own coins. All mined coins from the rolled back blocks will disappear, making all transaction that can be traced back to these coins invalid.