First of all, I didn't expect to have so many answers so thank you a lot for taking the time to help me !
Finally I think that my research question will simply be : "How will the blockchain technology likely impact the financial services sectors ?"
By doing that I am going to present like my professor wants all the short, long and middle term applications of the blockchain and who's trying to implement each applications. I read that only 9% of CIO's have already invested or are considering a
short-term investment. And of course, I'm going to explain what is the Blockchain, how it works, why I decided to focus on the financial sector (I read several time that at the moment the financial sector is the one who's doing more research and who's investing more on the Blockchain), ... This will be for the theoretical part.
For the research part / empirical part :
I read an article yesterday which was about "blockchain revolution without the blockchain". The article said that
"most of the suggested benefits of blockchain technologies don't really come from elements unique to the blockchain". "Smart contracts, encryption, and distributed ledger are separate concepts. The three may be implemented together, but they do not need to be. Most of the proposed benefits come from encryption and smart contracts. But encryption and smart contracts do not need blockchain."
Here's the link to the article if you want to read it : thought it was a good thing to analyse and link to all the applications thah I'll mention in the first part. And it will be easier to anlayse what each company wants to do and how each one approach the concept of Blockchain.
So as you can see it'll be a qualitative research. I don't see at the moment what I can do if I want to do a quantitative research with this type of subject. And with my level of knowledge (I only know the basic stuff
), I think it will be more easy for me to handle it and also to find the information that I'll need.
What do you think about my idea ??
And thank you for all the links that I received, the advice, ect It really helped me a lot !