If Bitcoin is to become a currency then who pays for my roads and bins to be fixed or cleaned? all the bitcoin people will hand over donations to my government to fix the pot holes in the roads ..
Can you imagine getting your wages in bitcoin I drive home go to pay my debts and the price of my bitcoin as gone in half and the worst is the debt people will take my home if I miss a payment ..
So now you all know BITCOIN is a terrible currency FACT ..Ok a small island with 1 bar but not a country like the UK could bitcoin ever become a currency not ever
dream on ..
Now what idea do you have besides an exchange that blockchain will used for DON'T SAY MONEY..Please don't it wont work unless government backed..
People need police and taxes to pay for all new roads hospitals teachers fixing buildings now will bitcoin people hand over free bitcoin to fix my roads?
Answer no you will let my town go to shit just as long as your alright FACT ..
Now with a governemnt it can make more on the fact we have more humans born to make those work and take taxes and those taxes fix my roads get me police
how will bitcoin do this ?..
Then what happens when little billy decides he wants out of bitcoin and he owns 1 million of them to go into a better idea the market will react then when bob who went to work as a bin man his wages are now worth half and his road got pot holes man poor bob will have 1 shit day..
Good morning!
Especially for you.
Watch this video.
We can think about McAfee anything, but in this speech he turned to your question.
And I agree with his answer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-AirSCMa18McAfee lost the plot after his jail spell
You humans are silly let me explain life
If a kings is the richest man and you don't like it because of his rules THEN what is the difference with the richest bitcoin peoples ?
You think swapping one rich type for another will change anything? NO NO NO it will make it worse because no one will pay taxes it will be I am bitcoin rich
and I don't care bye bye and you die poor dudes ..
MAN you all need a lesson on life
..The fact not many bitcoin around means the bitcoin whales will be the rulers FACT so why will those rich bitcoin dudes be better than a government ? OK so someone give me 2 bitcoins? everyone saying NO so what about my roads motorways doctors schools firemen police
will you also be paying all those free bitcoin? ..REMEMBER those types of jobs don't make money they are there to protect and help us grow in a safe environment ..
Those jobs are dead money jobs meaning they are needed and are not for profit they are there to help us ..
Now another thing about BITCOIN it's the profits that's got people hooked not the tech they have heard people made millions billions so they thinks they can do the same..The TECH doesn't mean jack shit to most it's the PROFITS ..
Now if some one buys bitcoin at 8k if it goes up to 20k those people will bail FACT leaving those with the higher bitcoin price now people must of paid 20k already
so for those to make a profit they need someone stupid enough with money to burn to pay 40k
< dumb or what ..
OH and bitcoin as a new use
you can buy a coffee
..i suppose it's a start by a massive company BUT piss poor idea..
Yes i have many ideas but now my tag is 1 million
THIS IS MY LAST COUPLE OF POST ...I will leave you the world to see what maddness you come up with next.
Thanks for the answer.
I will repeat - the question is not that someone is rich, but someone is poor.
The question is that because of the creation of fiat money, inflation eats up money from ordinary people.
I will repeat - even when the money will be financially controlled using the Blockchain technology - the world will be better.
Sorry but your wrong and the reason is I am BRITISH and I understand monies way way better than you just look at your country SHIT DUMP why?
because your leaders are useless ..
inflation eats up money from ordinary people. SO how will blockchain stop inflation
< remember we are arguing that bitcoin cannot become a currency
see I have invented a way how we all get a free UNIVERSAL INCOME using crypto BUT bitcoin could never be it NO CHANCE ..
why because I said so .. No because I understand how life and money works many don't they don't look at the big picture ..
If you rich why would you notice anything wrong your life is fine so why would you see the badness? I am not saying you are but you have no clue..
So ok tell me how will your blockchain work ? I suppose I will get no answer because most of you have no clue you just see the word PROFITS ..
Most are not interested they only see you trade and gain you hope ..some sit on them hoping they rise to bail for profits ..
inflation eats up money from ordinary people..YES IT DOES but how do you stop it?..
Inflation on many many occasions is because of demand the more that want it the more it goes up WHY because only so much copper produced PLUS only so much money put into the system NOW IF THE RICH KEEP SUCKING IT UP it means the more the government will borrow so because of the borrowing things go up to pay back the debt because of interest on the debt BUT not much interest as been getting added on loans ..
So how will someone with loads of bitcoin be better than cash in the system? ..I am affraid most have no clue how the world works..
If my mum and dad give me loads of cash my out look on the world would be so different i suppose ..
Most people think if i make monies it's all mine END OF STORY but how does businesses carry on without motorways roads trains ships police army all things needed for bussiness to run So without paying those lot how will the world run smooth WELL you wouldn't know because where are you from? CORRECT
A SHIT DUMP ..aND WHO IS TO BLAME? you because they way you thinks i could immagine your country to always be a shit dump because you have no clue how to run a nation FACT ..
You need to understand it is the GREED and your saying no one is greedy in crypto
Now imagine we had to borrow because of a earthquake and we need to build new roads and homes who will pay for this if BITCOIN is the currency of the world?
You will be borrowing and then inflation will come all because of an earthquake over population can inflate monies because of demand ..
I just wish people would understand how the world works..
Inflation deflation this is what we have to do because of many things but with bitcoin if someone borrrows bitcoin off someone else they will have to pay inflation .
You cannot win this debate i have done it with myself and i know bitcoin cannot become a currency FACT I HAVE LOOKED AT ALL THE OUTCOMES and it's BAD..
I invented a crypto and how it works you sign up and use your finger print and details to prove your only 1 person then every year you get 10k token to live of till you die MEANING everyone gets a starting point to live BUT the world needs to except them and why not if we all get 10k free..
OH it does work..
A rich person sees nothing wrong with the system because why would you..
How many poor compared to rich? ..
Your lucky you got an answer off me today because i was staying away for 2 months to see what poppycock comes out next..
Remember your leaders are shit because they don't know how money works ..WE BRITISH ARE THE BEST FACT
Good bye all and dream on if you say blockchain will be good in the future EXPLAIN how your blockchain works or SHUT UP
TAKE CARE my children
my god the earth is number1 ..Your fairy tales get you nowhere..