A security issue affects your account please archive it and contact support
Since then, someone else has sent me a payment to the wallet address and although it's in the blockchain with 15 confirmations it's not in my wallet
I've contacted support as requested but not been answered yet.......anyone clever than me know what may have happened?
I know they announced they had a security issue in the last 36 hours where 0.0002% of users were affected....Would it be that perhaps?
Are Blockchain holding my bitcoin?
They got frigged yesterday, a bunch of wallets compromised. They also said they are reimbursing missing coins. Check reddit someone posted a list of effected addresses.
I just went to this link http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2onl1y/at_least_hundreds_of_coins_were_stolen_from/ but I can't see a list of affected adresses
Is it the right page?
Thanks in advance.