Thank you for not using BOOST_FOR_EACH. One more step towards eliminating a dependency.
are you trying to tell us that boost is a bad dep?
jokes aside, i think there being a floor value to bitcoin tx isn't a bad idea. with national currencies there is always a practical limit on how small a tx can get, e.g. in the US, tx below USD 0.10 are very uncommon. there is a fair deal of variation between various currencies, but a floor that is related to a basket of local currencies would make sense.
lower bound tx size = 0.10 x (episodic basket/average of currencies valued in BTC)
eyh for bitcoin equivalent of 0.10 is 10 satashi I can't believe why people dont see how danger for bitcoin is banig any type of transaction, I have impresion then peopol who push it hard have really really band intention.