Op, this is the best idea and it must get implemented soon
BTW, in my opinion, it would be best if you add the bitcoin price announcer alongwith the block announcer. This would help the active traders to become aware of the current bitcoin price, live on his dashboard so that no one will have to waste his time on exchange sites rather than missing his trade opportunities!
Also users will be able to set a sound notification which will alarm him as soon as the price increases or decreases accordingly.
BTW, all the best for your work
I started over again because the old code got too messy. I'm right now implementing the exchanges and i'm adding some more options to choose. A damn text field isn't going to work in any way... I have to figure out a solution in the next days.
Keep on the good ideas! I'm trying as much as possible to get it into the program.
Current status:
-2 Exchanges: BitcoinAverage(EUR,GBP,USD,CNY,AUD,...) and CoinDesk(EUR,GBP,USD)
(The huobi api is to hard for me to get it running. Sorry for that.)
-Onscreen display is total or patial disableable (Checkboxes)
-Price check every minute at selected exchange with chosen currency. (Price alert to be re-implemented; already working)
-Display the last block time (to clarify: the time used to mine the block; not when it was created)
-Display the current block's age in minutes
To be implemented:
-Price alert at certain price
-Save settings button
-Get last transactions of an address
-Get transaction status (confirmed/unconfirmed) of a txid
-Get the balance of an address
You decide about these:
-Get the number of currently unconfirmed transactions?
-Choose the overlays text color (maybe important for readability)
-Get the best possible fee(blockexplorer.com feature)? (
BTW, in my opinion, it would be best if you add the bitcoin price announcer alongwith the block announcer.
This is one single program already. I never thougt about two different ones.
I already thougt about your sound idea. But it's not that easy to add a sound into java. To use an mp3 file you need some extra libraries. That's my last priority at the moment. Sorry for that too.
But sadly i have to say, that i have to pause developing the program for two weeks starting next monday. After i got back home i'm moving straight back into the development.