You are saying you had backups on other servers maintained by other provider. Tell me in short what goes wrong then? Why you can't recover data from this backup???
My question is still unanswered. Usagi can you answer for me?
I mean no offense - just rly want to know the answer.
Sorry, I don't know. I was told they're working on it.
I had it set up on cron. Presumably if I had the server address, username and password (or whatever) in the cron file, I could restore the backups myself. Maybe I'll fire off another e-mail to the team and ask them about it.
So just to be have remote, regular, offsite backups, but you have no idea how to login to the service if you needed to, I dunno, restore the backup? And you don't know who the provider is? (To clarify that last question: I can't tell if "the team" means your imaginary team of IT specialists or the team at the remote backup provider, but I would assume that if you had working backups and you know who you were paying every month to store them, you would simply pick up the phone and say "hello LiveDrive, I seem to have lost my system, and I'd like to know how to get at my backups")
Were those backups on space provided by BitVPS, which is why you're struggling to get hold of them?