It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
See [url=]000425a-00045 feature & squish list[/url]
*Loan progress bars
*Casino (only one game for now, unlocks March 2nd, 2010)
*Ability to pause and unpause game using spacebar
*BMJtG is now hosted on a newer (and significantly faster) server, courtesy of Hypernia's StableBox
*Exchange screen revamped
*Exchange slippage formula is a little less insane
*Loan icon will flash red or green to better indicate whether or not a loan was defaulted on
*Lots of bugs with lending
*Date & Time box should now always display the current rate of time
*Game will be a bit less wonky in the way it updates and spend less time waiting for user's PC to confirm its version number
Stuff which should've been in this update, but isn't:
*Co-location option
*User debt
*Fleshed out outcomes for loans
*Color-coding of Weekly I/O screen
[s]-user debt
-See [url=]here[/url].[/s] (will be excluded from 0004)
-p2p lending.
-See [url=]here[/url].
-USD-denominated loans will be excluded from 0004 along with karma loans. Loan settlement offers also excluded (they'll either default or won't).
-Exchange revamp 100% complete.
-The exchange will now charge a 5% fee.
-Price will now factor in slippage, meaning if you buy BTC, price will increase, and if you sell BTC, price will decrease.
-Less ugly buttons, "buy" and "sell" now function as check-boxes rather than true buttons.
-Due to the goofy way I'm preventing cheating (unsure of better way), the Exchange page is a bit of a temperamental bitch and will mess the page up if BTC price would hit zero or you should either enter in a quantity of BTC to sell (after activating the "SELL" button) which is greater than the amount of BTC you have available, or if the amount of USD your purchase of BTC would cost (after activating the "BUY" button) exceeds the amount of BTC you have available. To resolve, zero out BTC quantity, click sell (if you have buy highlighted) or buy (if sell is highlighted), and then click back to the option you originally had highlighted. Alternately, click back button and come back to exchange.
-The slippage formula, for the record, is assuming liquidity increases as BTC price increases, which is why slippage is tied to BTC price, not USD price. Slippage looks very severe at the beginning of the game, which I think is in line with history, but is almost non-existent if BTC price is very high.
-BTC page on WkIO screen cosmetic issue fixed.
-Difficulty starts at 5 rather than 2. (non-historic, but the "hindsight penalty")
-BTC price and difficulty are more likely to increase.
-Cluster 3 sell button will now display properly after slot is filled (still haven't determined actual cause...)
-Luck will no longer cause you to randomly generate BTC even if you have no mining hardware. :D
-Added more trololo.
-Weekly I/O screen will now always correctly report mining income if solo-mining and subtract HW depreciation.
Known issues:
-Forgot to redesign and enable colocation (will be in either 000425 or 00045)
-User debt, karma & USD-denominated loans, and settlement-at-end-of-loan-term events excluded. (will be in 000425)
-Exchange screen is extremely finicky. (will be fixed in 000425)
-If you have a negative USD balance, you can't loan out BTC. (this will be fixed when user debt is implemented)
-Date&Time box quit consistently displaying "0x" some while ago while game is paused, sometimes displays [] instead, esp. on layout changes. (will be fixed in 000425)
-Notification is only rarely given when lendee defaults or repays. (unable to identify cause, maybe will fix in 000425)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Update text should be more informative and alert when there're no updates detected.
-Difficulty will increase sharply before and after users gain access to GPU mining.
-2011 bubble now more severe in its effects.
-Weekly I/O screen will now factor in hardware depreciation.
-Game will no long effectively freeze on 2/28/11 and Silk Road news event will now fire.
-HW in Cluster 3 can now be sold - Cluster 2 sell button will function properly.
-Sell checks work correctly.
-Game now has a more proper splash screen - updating handled better.
-"Stealth fix" (no new version number) News events involving Silk Road opening and 25% of BTC being mined can now be clicked through.
-"Stealth fix" (no new version number) Fire event will function properly (again). "Secretly," you can switch to 20x speed by double-clicking the date/time box (this is considered a debug feature - don't expect everything to always work right).
Known issues:
-Cluster 3's sell button displays "Cluster 3" after filling it. (unsure of cause -- should fix in 0004)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented -- aiming for 0004)
-There's all of jack-shit to do while "AdoptionTrend" is low. This is historically accurate... and boring as fuck. P2P lending will be introduced at a historically inaccurate time so something's happening. (aiming for 0004)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Stats will now factor in the 2% pool fee if you should use one.
-Difficulty can now decrease.
-New news events (OpenCL public release, opening of Bitcoin-OTC, 25% BTC generation point, Silk Road opening)
-BTC price and difficulty will now factor in historical price & difficulty trends. This doesn't mean BTC price will necessarily be close to historical prices, just that it will have a stronger or weaker tendency to increase or decrease at certain points in game time. It attempts to emulate the 2011 run up and collapse, but I may've been too extreme in the adjustments (better hunker down!). Checkpoint system currently "ends" on November 14, 2011 (which just means it's "normal" forever past that point until I add more).
-News events starting with ArtForz have had functionality fixed. (It looks like the "next" button wouldn't have functioned properly, before -- believe it or not, that button does a lot of work!)
-Added GPU mining (unlocks on August 10, 2010).
-After a day, remembered to add text to the "electricity bill accrued" box in the Stats page. >:( ::)
-Weekly I/O report will factor in office costs, now...
-Cash income per hour was effectively dividing daily by 24 twice and actually paying the user his electricity costs... Since electricity costs should only be added to the monthly bill (not billed hourly), anyway, this had an odd tendency of roughly balancing out unless you moved in with your mom, where it becomes very obvious.
-News stories and button are no longer global, which was causing them to hang around while unwanted.
-Set Small Office to use correct "OfficeType," preventing a conflict with Mom.
-Fixed a few minor cosmetic issues.
Known issues:
-Update texts aren't displaying quite right. (will fix in 0004)
-Difficulty needs a sharp bump starting when the GPU mining starts. (will fix in 0004)
-$ income stat in HUD is technically correct, I guess, but misleading. (will fix in 0004)
-Weekly I/O screen does not factor hardware MV depreciation in. (will fix in 0004)
-Monthly office costs are likely being calculated queerly. (will fix in 0004 if broken)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented -- aiming for 0004)
-There's all of jack-shit to do while "AdoptionTrend" is low. This is historically accurate... and boring as fuck. P2P lending will be introduced at a historically inaccurate time so something's happening. (aiming for 0004)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-All events will now trigger on Stats screen
-Fire event trigger will now actually trigger the fire event instead of unlocking the exchange... ::)
-Added some new news events. (Laszlo, Gox creation, ArtForz GPU mining, 184b BTC exploit, first use of split allocation in mining reward, Slush's Pool -- h/t
-Initial pool functionality added (unlocks on September 18, 2010). Currently, you can only select between solo-mining and Slush's method (which isn't actually his method, but the original way I calculated how much a user should be paid) w/2% fee. Stats don't calculate the fee in, yet.
-Exchange screen now tries to enforce non-negative integers in the quantity box.
-Exchange buttons will now disable and enable themselves correctly.
-Selling BTC will now actually sell BTC for USD instead of doing whatever the Hell it was trying to do before... :D (h/t busterroni)
-Weekly I/O screen includes recent additions and includes note about office & electricity costs not being billed until the end of the month.
Known issues:
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-2% fee isn't calculated in mining estimate stats (will fix ASAP)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Qty box in HW buy page is goofy. (will fix when I figure out a better way to enforce integer-only rule)
-Game will now check if your local version is up to date and try to force an update. (ETA: but it still doesn't always work... shift+f5 is your best bet)
-Saves re-enabled.
Known issues:
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Qty box in HW buy page is goofy. (will fix when I figure out a better way to enforce integer-only rule)
-Hell has been removed, but there's a similar (designed) way to break the game. You get an achievement for it instead of going to Hell, now (though there's no achievement screen, yet, so...).
-You'll no longer earn a guaranteed hourly reward while solo-mining. You now have to actually "solve a block." The "unabridged" formula for this is [add to available coin] ((GoodLuck/5)-(BadLuck/5)) + (24/((Difficulty * (2^32) / (PersonalHashrate*10^6)/60/60))) > random(0.00000001,24) ? BlockReward : 0 -- good luck deciphering that. I'm not even sure what it says entirely, anymore. :D It's very flawed, though -- you can only earn one block in any given hour, so you'll effectively be much more unlucky than you ought to be -- OTOH, if you play with high luck, it should be partially compensated for. I'm working on a different formula for 000378, but there are so many calculations and numbers in that, I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around it without forgetting stuff.
-Per-cluster power draw displays correctly again.
-Game will no longer attempt to save offline/cached resources to load later. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to force it from trying to load, so shift-f5 or non-Chrome equiv must be pressed while at BMJ page to update the version. I'm looking into better ways of handling this.
Known Issues:
-Save/load system is likely broken. (will fix ASAP)
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Qty box in HW buy page is goofy. (will fix when I figure out a better way to enforce integer-only rule)
-Added ability to donate directly through URI and ability to sign up for PrimeDice using referral link. (yay!)
-Fixed bug where the month would forever stay in March (h/t James Moriarty).
Known issues:
-I broke the per-cluster power draw display at some point. (will be fixed in 000377)
-I forgot to fix HW purchases after overhauling inventory when the user triggers a trip to Hell, so HW purchased after a Hell trigger causes it to not update the cluster appropriately. (will be fixed in 000377)
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-You mine a part of a block each hour while solo-mining. (will be fixed in 000377)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled) hotfix
-Game will now be published online.
-Fixed a minor cosmetic bug in Hell.
-Fixed a minor cosmetic bug when difficulty changes.
-Office rent/mo box in Stats now read-only.
-After a minor overhaul of how events and news flashes are done, you can finally pass 2/6/10 without the game effectively freezing. The Fire event may now be broken, though.
-Fixed cosmetic bug in Exchange where BTC & $ available didn't display an update until after leaving the Exchange page.
Known issues:
-I forgot to fix HW purchases after overhauling inventory when the user triggers a trip to Hell, so HW purchased after a Hell trigger causes it to not update the cluster appropriately. (will be fixed in 0004)
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-You mine a part of a block each hour while solo-mining. (will be fixed in 0004)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-You're now billed for your office monthly. Monthly charge displayed in Stats and, like electricity, is NOT factored into any displayed net income stats (with the exception of the "AllNet" stat in the top-center of the Stats page). Due to leap year being factored in, trying to accurately determine hourly cost of office is too complicated, so "AllNet" will instead assume each month is 30.4 days long (and will be the case for all other stats where it's appropriate to average days in month).
-If you consume a very large amount of electricity, it'll trigger an event where you're asked if you'd like to file for an LLC or corporation (and pay a small upfront fee) so you can get business rates on your electricity. This will have massive impact on later-implemented features and events.
-New offices: medium office (200m³), large office(400m³), small warehouse(2,000m³), medium warehouse(20,000m³), large warehouse(200,000m³)
-Co-location option - costs flat $4/mo/m[sup]3[/sup] HW + $.1/KWh, billed weekly (reduced-cost contracts possible at later versions of game, along with unlockable BTC payment option). Co-located HW is immune to most bad events and automatically insured for free. $/mo cost difference if co-located added to Options screen. -- Option disabled (button does nothing) until 0004. I need to think it out more. --
-You're now only allotted 10m[sup]3[/sup] in space if you live with your mom.
-Game will now check to ensure there is enough room for you to down-size your office. (if you have 20m[sup]3[/sup] in HW, you can't move in with Mom - if you have 150m[sup]3[/sup] HW, you can't move down to small office, etc, until you sell some clusters)
-You can only move once per month (to prevent "cheating" -- conveniently, it's realistic, too). (month here = January -> February, not something like 30.4 days from time last moved)
-Difficulty now changes appropriately, once per 14 days. It's now 10x more sensitive to time ("10x as exponential"). Luck is also factored in and, owing to its exponential nature, can dramatically change difficulty at far-future times. Difficulty will flash when it changes.
-Electricity will be billed on the first of the month. You can see your accumulated bill in the Stats page. The Weekly I/O page will display electricity costs as if you were billed weekly (with the exception of the "AllNet" stat in the top-center of the Stats screen, all "Net Income" stats will exclude electricity costs both in the "HUD" and in the "Stats" page). Instead of a pause event, the "alert bar" at the bottom-right will alert you to the deduction.
-To help solve confusion (and as a kludgey solution to the rounding issue), BTC price will now display "Exchange still locked." until February 6, 2010, when the first central BTC exchange opened.
-Cases now add to volume of space taken by PC, while PC size has been reduced to .075m³ w/o case, .1m³ w/ case. Cases will SOMETIMES force "catastrophe rolls" in Fire event to re-roll and not be as catastrophic... cases will have more benefits as I think of them to justify the high costs (for example, maybe an event where you spill coffee).
-00035a Hotfix fixes implemented (project save SNAFU prevented the fixes from applying in 00035a).
-Electricity consumption per cluster will now round to something reasonable in inventory display (whole watts).
Known issues:
-Difficulty formula needs to be tweaked further and made more complex so it can decrease. Right now, letting it decrease risks allowing it to go negative due to a lack of checks and overly-simple formula. (will be fixed in 0004)
-You mine a part of a block each hour while solo-mining. (will be fixed in 0004)
-User cash can go negative. (will be fixed when p2p lending implemented)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. Same caveat with cases. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled) HOTFIX
-More logic-based CSS snazz in HW screen.
Fixed (thanks to Professor James Moriarty for bug-finding!):
-You can now roll the "Dice of Fate" if you rolled a 1 when a fire event is first triggered while on the "Main" page (there are a ton of rolls and outcomes possible with this event -- for the record: it is all rolled on-the-fly, not pre-determined as soon as the event triggers).
-The six other game-breaking Fire-related bugs are now fixed..........
-BTC Price and Net Estimate text boxes now read-only
-For purchases beyond that which goes in the first inventory cluster slot, your USD Hourly Net Income will no longer be negative $tens of thousands in the "Main" screen
-Exchange unlock event will fire correctly again
-Exchange button will be unlocked in the Stats screen if the Unlock event should fire there
Known issues:
-Difficulty and electricity billing is changed/charged hourly. (will be fixed in 000375)
-In the first ~2 days, it's very possible for bitcoin price to be so low, it's rounded to $0. (will be fixed in 000375 by not displaying BTC price until exchange is unlocked)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled)
-Insurance (costs 10% of HW purchase, must be purchased at time of sale - covers 90% of market value of hardware losses in most situations where that happens - almost always pays out, with luck as a factor)
-"Goofed police," Hell, unicorn sodomy, pacts with the devil (easter eggs)
-Luck-based "events engine" under the hood fires each in-game hour and allows easy assignment of %chance with good and/or bad luck factored in (they're separate!).
-Estimated "true" hourly income in Stats page (factors in estimated mining profits)
-You can no longer order rigs in anything but integers
-All stats should now round to something more manageable without being whole numbers
-Added bg colors to "PC stats" for hardware orders in HWBuy/Inv screen to make it more obvious why the "Order" button is disabled.
-Options and Stats page mis-labeled HUD stats
-Stat boxes had text overflow under certain conditions
-Data presented in Stats page was inconsistent
-The "Next" button for the Exchange Unlocked event wouldn't appear if the event fired on the Stats page
-Market value wasn't always depreciating properly
Known issues:
-Difficulty and electricity billing is changed/charged hourly. (will be fixed in 000375)
-"Est Total Net" and "$/BTC" aren't read-only (fixed in 00035a)
-In the first ~2 days, it's very possible for bitcoin price to be so low, it's rounded to $0. (will be fixed in 000375 by not displaying BTC price until exchange is unlocked)
-At some point, I accidentally deleted 1/3 of the fire event on the "Main" screen (it still works if it fires properly if in Stats page), so if you roll a 1 (out of 1, 2, and 3), you won't be able to click past the "Bad news!" screen if the event fires while on the "Main" page. (fixed in 00035a)
-Outside that, the dice are still always unclickable... :D (fixed in 00035a)
-Electricity cost is being calculated incorrectly on the "Main" page (fixed in 00035a)
-If hardware is added to Cluster One due to purchasing another order with all inventory slots filled, it's impossible to partially insure the order. Instead, if Cluster One is uninsured and added to, it will always remain uninsured even if insurance is purchased on the addition, while if Cluster One was already insured, the user MUST purchase insurance on the addition or Cluster One will become fully uninsured. (Will not be fixed until inventory management is completely overhauled) - HWBuy variables will always clear (FINALLY!). Game will correct BTC price if calculations push it negative. BTC & Cash income boxes changed to "net income" boxes to be less confusing. Electricity cost properly deducted from net income calculations in text boxes. For future comings, insurance added to HWBuy section, and "name-brand" is now set to be a relative % increase in cost of purchase (oops, did I give away too much?). Broke a good few variables down into subcomponents so they can be displayed to user (have not added to Stats screen, yet). HrsToFindBlock and Difficulty will now round to whole number (until I find way to round to specified nth decimal place). Weekly I/O screen added. - Added news events, added currency exchange (doesn't appear until February 6, 2010). Added placeholder BTCPrice calculations. HWBuy variables will now clear more often, as intended. Lots of organizational changes under-the-hood -- likely broke some stuff. (skipped) - Added time-control buttons to Stats page. Added barren Options page. Added "StenchOfFailure" variable.... ;D - HWBuy variables finally clear and hopefully don't mess anything up in the process. All placeholder inventory clusters now function -- lots of sanity checks. Once five clusters are filled, if you don't sell a cluster before ordering more, the game'll simply add to your first cluster. Game will no longer use market value for power draw when committing order to a cluster when it detects a non-newb (no idea how that even happened...). Office now has set limit on space (100m[sup]3[/sup] -- really, I wrote m[sup]2[/sup] on the HW page....? :'(). Until ASICs are introduced, all rigs take up .3m[sup]3[/sup] -- your max office space'll be upgradeable when upgrades are introduced. If you can't afford to buy the HW you've filled out the form for, it'll now be made more obvious. You can now click to the HWBuy page from the stats page. - Electricity cost is now calculated, barren stats screen added. Fixed mining payouts (I stuck with using difficulty over total network hashrate) and difficulty adjustments (kind of), time display will now properly show when it's paused. You'll no longer be charged twice for hardware purchases (... hopefully). Difficulty will no longer reset itself each month (.... d'oh). - Changed some boxes I overlooked to read-only. Added buttons to control speed of time. You can now sell rig clusters, which depreciate in value with time (.01%/hr, relative). AlertBox better at detecting "newbs." Inv "back" button now goes back. Power draw set correctly in inventory screen. Difficulty's now exponential but needs a lot more work... (actually, I don't like the way this works -- it'd be much easier to determine income by % of total network operating) - Mining now generates BTC, not cash. Base income now applied. PSU efficiency rating no longer decreases the claimed max output, instead increasing the load (which still isn't right, but "close enough for now"). Removed purchase confirmation screen and replaced with a quick notification in the "alert box." Fixed some boxes... - sanity checks on whether or not you can buy a rig, time fixed (even accounted for Leap Year!), added inventory management screen to HW Buy page (it's terribly complex for how simple it looks and does service to my name), orders are now actually ordered and added to your inventory (global hashpower now draws from rig cluster data), "quit" removed (I guess it was pointless, anyway), you can now mine (..... well, you generate butt-loads of magic income) - initial release