Exchange listing is never a factor of determining the success of a project. It may just get delisted in a year - but nobody would care for it then. The important part is whether the MVP is being developed and at least a version of the prototype should be working.
For some reason there are project fails its because first they don't have clear proper outlook towards their project. Second there team member is unknown or not transparent to show their identity and last they rely to much on the campaigns here and didn't do any follow another marketing to increase the hype of their project that's why they end up failing and blame it to the campaign and its participants.
Also for thinking about listing well I can say they are success to that since meaning they are getting sales on their ICO,IDO,IPO or any words what they to conduct token sales. And those exchange listing is the prize for their investor and bounty hunters since they will get their compensations for participating their project.
on not to seek for the best one and this is where demands do really differ because there a projects which arent really focusing much or spending lots in marketing but still succeed because
the people do see its real potential thats the case on which do really happens.