
Topic: BobLawblaw - trust abuser, and scammer supporting filth bag. Blacklist it !!!!!! (Read 988 times)

Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
We will not bother with explaining to you again THEYMOS is not a wizard. Do you get that now. The server side information he has we want him to have.

Theymos wouldn't write it if it wasn't true. Everybody with half a brain knows you're the same person, yet you continue to lie about it. Why? Because you are a dishonest, untrustworthy person by nature. That's why.

(more sidestepping)

Stop running coward. Bob has an empty trust list. He is trusted by 8 members, including 1 DT1, and distrusted by 0. Now provide OBSERVABLE INSTANCES of Bob supporting scammers, or else kindly shut the fuck up, for the last time.

Don't just go on one of your sad trolling personal attack rants. Provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

If you run away from this challenge once again I will permanently put you on ignore, as you will have proved that you are completely without ethics, decency, or any backbone whatsoever (the way most people feel about you anyway), and you will have confirmed that there is absolutely no reason to interact with you (again, the way most people feel about you already).
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
The person posting from the cryptohunter account HAS NEVER posted from this account. We will not address this again.
This is a lie.

Technically it could be true if he sold the cryptohunter account, so the person currently posting with it is different.

Even if he comes back denying that he sold it, there are many other weaselly possibilities. Are you forgetting that you're dealing with an award-winning megatroll? Cool

I leave this here now as a demonstration of a post we deleted several times but DT member and merit source ScumBuster ....oh I mean suchmoon keeps coming back even though we are on ignore and she never reads any of our posts LOL
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
The person posting from the cryptohunter account HAS NEVER posted from this account. We will not address this again.
This is a lie.

Technically it could be true if he sold the cryptohunter account, so the person currently posting with it is different.

Even if he comes back denying that he sold it, there are many other weaselly possibilities. Are you forgetting that you're dealing with an award-winning megatroll? Cool
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
We will not bother with explaining to you again THEYMOS is not a wizard. Do you get that now. The server side information he has we want him to have.

Theymos wouldn't write it if it wasn't true. Everybody with half a brain knows you're the same person, yet you continue to lie about it. Why? Because you are a dishonest, untrustworthy person by nature. That's why.

(more sidestepping)

Well then there is the issue, having half a brain is  going to lead to you making some false connections now and then and probably everyone with half a brain thinks you are DT material and have achieved something here in all these years. Imagine if they had quarter of a brain they may believe anything you say or take your trading tips??

Stop running coward. Bob has an empty trust list. He is trusted by 8 members, including 1 DT1, and distrusted by 0. Now provide OBSERVABLE INSTANCES of Bob supporting scammers, or else kindly shut the fuck up, for the last time.

Don't just go on one of your sad trolling personal attack rants. Provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

If you run away from this challenge once again I will permanently put you on ignore, as you will have proved that you are completely without ethics, decency, or any backbone whatsoever (the way most people feel about you anyway), and you will have confirmed that there is absolutely no reason to interact with you (again, the way most people feel about you already).

If you are too dumb to see that I just provided evidence that is your problem mr scam facilitator. If the concept we presented was to complicated for you to understand get some help.

How hard can it be for you to understand THEYMOS CAN NOT KNOW. He was not lying he was speculating based on the server side information we want him to have?? got it now retard. Why would theymos say cryptohunter started spreading lies when lauda gave him red?? then delete the thread where we asked for presentation of those lies?? sometimes people assume things but there is no real hard conclusive proof is there. Not in your case of course there is conclusive proof you will willingly facilitate scams for 0.3btc but suchmoon does not mind that and says you should be on DT. LOL

Now back to the on topic points re-read our last thread and debunk the points you feel you can. Any more off topic and you are deleted and perma banned from the thread. Got it??

So tackle bob and his scammer supporting , trust abusing ways or bye bye to all your posts. You must stay on topic. Got it scammer facilitator


see that is the difference we have PROOF you have Speculation.  I mean your speculation and that of theymos is INCORRECT but even should it be correct there is no connection to financially motivated wrong doing like there clearly is in your own case. SO you are Speculating that we are still not as bad as you LOL

Now discuss the points in the OP or you will be deleted.

Sadly suchmoon has to be deleted because she was attempting to continue OFF TOPIC SPECULATION.
We always welcome suchselfdebunker here to assist us but must be ontopic relevant and laden down with observable instances. She is not hiding beneath puppets today but still hanging on our every word. haha

Is she on those diet pills mosprognoz claims she really needs?? these could be making here titchy haha

It is fun getting more attention of course so we will allow them to stay sometimes else with no carrot they may stop speaking to us again Sad   nom nom nom

It is nice to demonstrate again DT members tend to believe they are above the board rules even those they can not directly manipulate LOL


Stick to the specific points in the initial post or bye bye.

The proof they are scammers is clearly here nutildah as you know because you are one of them LOL

Or do you deny you are a willing scam facilitator for pay.

Here with all your scamming pals
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Back on topic to boblawblaws scammer supporting , trust abusing behaviors I think. Can't let that wussy weasel get away with it entirely can we even if he fav feltchers like you and jayjuangay would have it that way.

Who does Bob support that is a scammer? How have they scammed anyone? Its not like they lied about being an alt of a disreputable member in order to protect their main account from being tarnished any further, which pretty much entirely backfired apparently. Can you stop being dishonest long enough to admit you are cryptohunter for once?

Okay now you are at least engaging in some form of debate. Let's pull you apart. No off topic thanks. Stick to the OP. The person posting from the cryptohunter account HAS NEVER posted from this account. We will not address this again.

This is a lie. How do you have the nerve to claim anyone else is dishonest when you yourself are incredibly so? You are cryptohunter. Not only did theymos tell us, you write with the exact same style in both accounts. You use the same phrases in both accounts, the same ridiculous ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF PUNCTUATION!!!! to make your non-points. You're a liar and not to be taken seriously.

As for my question about Bob supporting scammers: you sidestepped it entirely to go on one of your long-winded personal attack-laden rants about nothing! Your whole crusade is a sham. Nobody has ever or will ever take you seriously, not only because you are an unrelenting asshole but because you constantly lie about everything.

Stop side-stepping. Provide OBSERVABLE INSTANCES of how Bob is supporting scammers, or else kindly shut the fuck up.

Please stop lying that you have conclusive proof that it is a lie. Asserting it is a lie is indeed a lie on your part or at a minimum a false allegation. Neither is on topic.

We will not bother with explaining to you again THEYMOS is not a wizard. Do you get that now. The server side information he has we want him to have. Even a moron like you understands tor/tor browser right?? Everyone knows actmyname is probably cryptohunter have you not see their posts when they want to revert back , you can be cryptohunter too, we can all be cryptohunter it is merely an observable instance you fucking pathetic imbecile, it is not that TRICKY. It is a very distinctive style and those whom wish to adopt it will not find it that difficult to do. There is nothing subtle about this style. Software can easily be made to replicate this kind of style.

Three is more powerful evidence that you are not nutildah, we hear that account has changed passwords more than tman has said "twat" or "cunt" on this forum lol

Now again stick to the central points and stop derailing or the rest of your posts will be deleted. You must stick to the rules of the thread NEM STAKE HOLDER INDEED hahahaha

No more derailing here. Tackle the central on topic points you conveniently just REFUSED TO TACKLE or be deleted.

Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Back on topic to boblawblaws scammer supporting , trust abusing behaviors I think. Can't let that wussy weasel get away with it entirely can we even if he fav feltchers like you and jayjuangay would have it that way.

Who does Bob support that is a scammer? How have they scammed anyone? Its not like they lied about being an alt of a disreputable member in order to protect their main account from being tarnished any further, which pretty much entirely backfired apparently. Can you stop being dishonest long enough to admit you are cryptohunter for once?

Okay now you are at least engaging in some form of debate. Let's pull you apart. No off topic thanks. Stick to the OP. The person posting from the cryptohunter account HAS NEVER posted from this account. We will not address this again.

This is a lie. How do you have the nerve to claim anyone else is dishonest when you yourself are incredibly so? You are cryptohunter. Not only did theymos tell us, you write with the exact same style in both accounts. You use the same phrases in both accounts, the same ridiculous ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF PUNCTUATION!!!! to make your non-points. You're a liar and not to be taken seriously.

As for my question about Bob supporting scammers: you sidestepped it entirely to go on one of your long-winded personal attack-laden rants about nothing! Your whole crusade is a sham. Nobody has ever or will ever take you seriously, not only because you are an unrelenting asshole but because you constantly lie about everything.

Stop side-stepping. Provide OBSERVABLE INSTANCES of how Bob is supporting scammers, or else kindly shut the fuck up.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Back on topic to boblawblaws scammer supporting , trust abusing behaviors I think. Can't let that wussy weasel get away with it entirely can we even if he fav feltchers like you and jayjuangay would have it that way.

Who does Bob support that is a scammer? How have they scammed anyone? Its not like they lied about being an alt of a disreputable member in order to protect their main account from being tarnished any further, which pretty much entirely backfired apparently. Can you stop being dishonest long enough to admit you are cryptohunter for once?

Okay now you are at least engaging in some form of debate. Let's pull you apart. No off topic thanks. Stick to the OP. The person posting from the cryptohunter account HAS NEVER posted from this account. We will not address this again.

Now let's tackle your points.

The DOUBLE STANDARDS we were demonstrating on our thread was the ABUSE of scammers DIRECTLY.

He is claiming that because we present those clear and undeniable double standards by scammers to punish whistle blowing under the guise of blackmail/extortion (which they agree with and reward when they do it and for clear financial gain)

Boblawblaw then comes into our thread and tries to derail it and asserts that presenting those instances of clear double standards means we have been fucked in the ass and we are likely nefarious for complaining and should accept scammers punishing whistleblowing by pretending it is blackmail and extortion when they do worse themselves for pure financial gain.

scammers are here including you scam facilitator and trust abuser

We tell him stay on topic you twat debunk the points or debate the on topic points or FUCK OFF and that girly sissy runs crying to trust abuse our account.

This is undeniable.

The rest of your speculations are about as useful as your trading tips or your " PURPORTED " opinons of account sellers being scam facilitators until you wanted to sell your account and make some money

OR YOU CLAIMS you are not here for signatures LOL

THEN DELETES THE EVIDENCE.....  see how that backfired for real. I see you put it back now sneaky piece of shit.

There is NO WAY you are the original nutildah NEM stake holder and early dash adopter. You would have to have shit for brains to now be reduced to begging for 0.02btc loans. You bought that account and are broke.

Anyway enough of this bickering and speculations (well from you) mine are not because you are either a scam facilitator or a liar. Those are not speculations it has to be one or the other.

Bob is a scammer supporter and trust abuser. This is undeniable. He supports scammers abusing honest members via trust abuse and took a leaf from their actions.

Debunk it or accept it. Also I have found that dirt bag protecting scammers before in arguments and attacking us out of the blue. That weasel will not stand and debate he runs away crying to red trust or his feltching friends on WO thread.

Keep hiding there wussies.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Back on topic to boblawblaws scammer supporting , trust abusing behaviors I think. Can't let that wussy weasel get away with it entirely can we even if he fav feltchers like you and jayjuangay would have it that way.

Who does Bob support that is a scammer? How have they scammed anyone? Its not like they lied about being an alt of a disreputable member in order to protect their main account from being tarnished any further, which pretty much entirely backfired apparently. Can you stop being dishonest long enough to admit you are cryptohunter for once?
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
He attempted to debate you but you deleted his post, making it appear as if there was no debate. That's just another way (among many) in which you are dishonest and untrustworthy.

You obviously are unable to engage in honest debate which is why you resort to deleting posts that observably disprove your observably nonsensical nonsense.


You know that usually I do not post in this fucktwat's self moderated thread, but it is quite hilarious (maybe even ironic) that you, mic, are asking about the purported "team" of this diptwat... hahahahahaha  Not that it is an irrelevant question, because diptwat, aka The-One-Above-All's, does constantly use such stupid ass troll/shill reference to his interweb's persona.

Of course, I already mentioned diptwat's use of the royal "we" in an earlier post in this thread (which probably can be easily found), but of course, diptwat refuses to admit why he is actually continuously using such royal we term,  

He just seems to be a fucking silly ass loser shill/troll who may or may not have a team, and to the extent that he has a team(handler) that is helping him out with his content, themes, etc, then hopefully (on a personally fulfilling level, not that anyone should give too many shits about a person who seems to be employed to engage in such non-constructive posts) he is actually getting paid in bitcoin and able to stack a few sats rather than spinning his wheels with ongoing largely irrelevant nonsense spreading.

These are great points JJG and its nice to see you here. You have successfully pointed out observable instances of t-o-a-a inventing friends for his lost cause that nobody else will touch with a 10 foot pole, it would be clear abuse of a self-moderated thread (and definitely untrustworthy behavior) if he were to delete your comments. I suggest you engage in use of your DT powers and leave a negative trust rating for both the-one-below-all as well as cryptohunter, since this is his alt account, and they are one in the same.

In summation, there's no reason why anybody should ever take you seriously about anything, ever. I think most people already know this. I think you secretly know it as well but are incapable of admitting it, because you are dishonest.

nonsensical nonsense hehe how's the writing career taking off over there in pajeetville ??

I'll use you for the bump which is all you are worth before deleting you later.

Now MORON understand he brought ZERO observable instances to back up his claims/opinions and false allegations. NOW go and read the initial post the rules clearly state no groundless crap opinions that are not supported by observable instances.

Also he never attempted to debate the ontopic and central points of the OP.

Got it scam facilitator and scammer supporter + broke ass NEM stake holder lol  = the anti midas nutildah.

Now your post and his post will be deleted when I feel the need. You will stay for the bumps only then pooooof  you'll be gone. Go cry feltch for merits and spam your sig for btc dust elsewhere notildah.  Go cry to your pajeet girlfriend in pajeet land where your 0.02btc loan can at least give you subsistence level existence for a few days.

Yeah because our central points and yet undefeated debating talents are under great threat from the speculations regarding the meaning of "us" and "we" LOL no wonder we rush to delete them LOL ... that's a very compelling argument you don't have there hahaha... yep disproved all of our central points in the initial post... way to go JJG and micgoosens haha

Let me take another sip of the very expensive wine I have here whilst I enjoy the image of you there sweating away in some hut with your pajeet girlfriend ordering you to get some more btc dust for the next bag of rice. When are you coming back to the US? I have some bags of rice going free? bit out of date but your kind are accustomed to that right? shame to waste it.

Since you are determined to derail... how much did you sell your NEM stake for?? haha I'm guessing you did not hold out for the full 300 BTC?? haha

No NO pm me, we must not let you guys derail this thread.

Back on topic to boblawblaws scammer supporting , trust abusing behaviors I think. Can't let that wussy weasel get away with it entirely can we even if he fav feltchers like you and jayjuangay would have it that way.

Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
He attempted to debate you but you deleted his post, making it appear as if there was no debate. That's just another way (among many) in which you are dishonest and untrustworthy.

You obviously are unable to engage in honest debate which is why you resort to deleting posts that observably disprove your observably nonsensical nonsense.


You know that usually I do not post in this fucktwat's self moderated thread, but it is quite hilarious (maybe even ironic) that you, mic, are asking about the purported "team" of this diptwat... hahahahahaha  Not that it is an irrelevant question, because diptwat, aka The-One-Above-All's, does constantly use such stupid ass troll/shill reference to his interweb's persona.

Of course, I already mentioned diptwat's use of the royal "we" in an earlier post in this thread (which probably can be easily found), but of course, diptwat refuses to admit why he is actually continuously using such royal we term, 

He just seems to be a fucking silly ass loser shill/troll who may or may not have a team, and to the extent that he has a team(handler) that is helping him out with his content, themes, etc, then hopefully (on a personally fulfilling level, not that anyone should give too many shits about a person who seems to be employed to engage in such non-constructive posts) he is actually getting paid in bitcoin and able to stack a few sats rather than spinning his wheels with ongoing largely irrelevant nonsense spreading.

These are great points JJG and its nice to see you here. You have successfully pointed out observable instances of t-o-a-a inventing friends for his lost cause that nobody else will touch with a 10 foot pole, it would be clear abuse of a self-moderated thread (and definitely untrustworthy behavior) if he were to delete your comments. I suggest you engage in use of your DT powers and leave a negative trust rating for both the-one-below-all as well as cryptohunter, since this is his alt account, and they are one in the same.

In summation, there's no reason why anybody should ever take you seriously about anything, ever. I think most people already know this. I think you secretly know it as well but are incapable of admitting it, because you are dishonest.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56

Sissy runs away from debate but still hiding there giving merit to people spouting garbage. Well done whataboutbob just demonstrates what a pathetic weasel you are. Keep hiding sissy you will never debunk one of our central points and you know this. You have been clearly demonstrated to be a pathetic little bitch who cries to red trust when you get put in your rightful place.

Naaaaah he's just responsible and knows he's time is better spent at people or members deserving .....

"his time" moron.

Besides his time is better served splurging him moronic mentally deranged drivel to idiots like you who are very deserving of it. haha

That does not refute the clear undeniable points we are making in the initial post. It rather serves to substantiate them.

But serious why the "WE" ??

Are you working with 3-4-5-6 or whatever on that keyboard there ?

I have 0 interest in the whole  TOAA character, maybe only the "WE" term is it like T= a person O= a person A= a person A= a person ??

(Oooow yeah, for perfect English writing, you don't have to come to me thats right, strong point, nobody knew that one before, nice....) Roll Eyes


You know that usually I do not post in this fucktwat's self .......BLA BLA BLA no observable instances, BLA BLA BLA dare not tackle the points made in the initial post BLA BLA BLA false accusations..

The above bunch of garbage that gayjuangee splurged out had to be deleted since it was off topic, full of false accusations and contained no observable instances.

It is interested "we" notice that this bitcoin begging dreg is obsessed with the word "twat" to which it affixes any other childish moronic word to it. RATHER LIKE the scammers and scumbags he seeks to protect from our valid criticism. It should also be noted that these "noobs" joined all around that same time. Tman, lauda, JJG, newanon, owlcatz etc etc

Anyway when this moronic dreg decides to stop hiding from the real debate here rather than hiding behind off topic and irrelevant speculations as to "our" reasons for referring to "we" or "our"  when those have been explained many times before anyway, and he abides by the threads rules, then we will review his post and pull it to pieces. Weak minds like his are of no challenge to ourselves.

NOW come and debate the points JJG you moronic bitcoin begging fool or STFU and hide back in the WO thread with the rest of the low functioning broke ass bums.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 12743
BTC + Crossfit, living life.

Sissy runs away from debate but still hiding there giving merit to people spouting garbage. Well done whataboutbob just demonstrates what a pathetic weasel you are. Keep hiding sissy you will never debunk one of our central points and you know this. You have been clearly demonstrated to be a pathetic little bitch who cries to red trust when you get put in your rightful place.

Naaaaah he's just responsible and knows he's time is better spent at people or members deserving .....

"his time" moron.

Besides his time is better served splurging him moronic mentally deranged drivel to idiots like you who are very deserving of it. haha

That does not refute the clear undeniable points we are making in the initial post. It rather serves to substantiate them.

But serious why the "WE" ??

Are you working with 3-4-5-6 or whatever on that keyboard there ?

I have 0 interest in the whole  TOAA character, maybe only the "WE" term is it like T= a person O= a person A= a person A= a person ??

(Oooow yeah, for perfect English writing, you don't have to come to me thats right, strong point, nobody knew that one before, nice....) Roll Eyes
Activity: 252
Merit: 56

Sissy runs away from debate but still hiding there giving merit to people spouting garbage. Well done whataboutbob just demonstrates what a pathetic weasel you are. Keep hiding sissy you will never debunk one of our central points and you know this. You have been clearly demonstrated to be a pathetic little bitch who cries to red trust when you get put in your rightful place.

Naaaaah he's just responsible and knows he's time is better spent at people or members deserving .....

"his time" moron.

Besides his time is better served splurging him moronic mentally deranged drivel to idiots like you who are very deserving of it. haha

That does not refute the clear undeniable points we are making in the initial post. It rather serves to substantiate them.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 12743
BTC + Crossfit, living life.

Sissy runs away from debate but still hiding there giving merit to people spouting garbage. Well done whataboutbob just demonstrates what a pathetic weasel you are. Keep hiding sissy you will never debunk one of our central points and you know this. You have been clearly demonstrated to be a pathetic little bitch who cries to red trust when you get put in your rightful place.

Naaaaah he's just responsible and knows he's time is better spent at people or members deserving .....
Activity: 252
Merit: 56

Sissy runs away from debate but still hiding there giving merit to people spouting garbage. Well done whataboutbob just demonstrates what a pathetic weasel you are. Keep hiding sissy you will never debunk one of our central points and you know this. You have been clearly demonstrated to be a pathetic little bitch who cries to red trust when you get put in your rightful place.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Running to give red trust is weasel tactics.

Well, you *ARE* a weasel, so...  Kiss

Well that is not possible bob because you already failed to debunk the points in the OP that you tried to cast off as clear evidence of too much ass fucking before we told you to debunk the points or fuck off ....when you ran off crying to red trust us.

Please don't go around in circles. You can debunk the points or you can accept you were totally in the wrong in that instance. There is no other possibility.

Try to understand that.

Just because you don't mind at all that proven scammers are punishing people with red trust for whistle blowing on them does not make it OKAY.

Because people complain that that is unfair does not mean you can come along and go booohoooo things are not fair you seem to have been getting fucked up your asshole too many times shut up complaining and accept you must be nefarious to bring it up.

You are clearly in the wrong.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
You want to go brown nosing DT

Dude, I have no idea how I got on DT to begin with. It's not like I asked for it or anything.

Curious how that works though, huh ? Things just organically sorting themselves out like that ?

That is not the point you don't start a fight, then when someone stands up to you run to tell teacher that is disgusting and wimp like. Just either continue the fight (debate there on thread and debunk the points we make) or leave.

Running to give red trust is weasel tactics.

If you can debunk those scenarios as NOT double standards then that is fine. You will not be able to do so. Then you must accept it is not our fault since we are not imposing the double standards.

Activity: 252
Merit: 56
ITT: OP crying that life isn't fair.

YES demonstrating clear double standards imposed by DT members. You want to go brown nosing DT and supporting double standards expect to be called out on it you fucking turd. Also you started with the swearing and sexual slurs and attacking us. YOU CAME AFTER US THEN RAN CRYING TO RED TRUST when we told you debunk the points in the OP or fuck off. Bitchy little crybaby gimp.

LOL try to start a fight, someone stands up to you and you run off crying to teacher and snitch on them. What a pathetic fucking loser.

THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. You can not deny it.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Get a refund. I'll back you up.

I hope you can understand, how taking advice from folk that are more unhinged than yourself, is not conducive to better living.

The first step to addressing a problem, is acknowledging you have one. Do you recognize that you have problems ?

Plenty of problems = each abusive DT member and each brown nosing scammer supporting servile scumbag like you entrenching them in power and supporting their double standards.

When you read clear observable instances of double standards and then seek to claim the person presenting that evidence is only doing so because they been fucked in the ass too much and they should shut up and respect the DT's pushing such double standards then YES you do have mental problems.]

Get it now bob??

Want to debate those scenarios you claim are bullshit and clearly only presented for nefarious reasons??? are you high bob? what fucking meds do they have you taking by the handful?
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Meanwhile in a sandwich scenario between hueristics mommy and rick....

 I know this is falling upon deaf ears. You really need to either learn to calm down and control your emotions, or seek professional help to deal with your problems. There is no shame in it.

 Seriously, seeing a shrink was the best thing I've ever done for myself in my lifetime, so far. I highly recommend it if you are finding yourself struggling with your wet-wiring. Get that shit fixed up, yo.

Get a refund. I'll back you up.
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