Week 19 (23/09-29/09) is the last week. Spreadsheet will be calculated and transferred to the team.
Socratus allocates 2% of the tokens sale for the Bonus pool. Distribution of Rewards:
Social media campaign: 30% tokens
Insurance experience campaign: 20% tokens
Signature campaign: 20% tokens
Translation campaign: 10% tokens
Blog & YouTube campaign: 20% tokens
Week ends on saturdaySocratus Bonus Spreadsheet
For avoidance of doubt, no actions or statements regarding or in connection with this bonus campaign shall be considered as promise of income or gain, investment or any other advise or offer to purchase shares or any other interest in any Project company.
We do not accept any liability due to the articles, publications or statements made by participants of this campaign, their treatment of the project (including its further development and market performance, etc.) and any other actions related or connected with this bonus campaign. Payment to participants will be conducted only after reaching the soft cap - 5 mln $.
You should assess any such information based on your sole and independent investigation.
We will assess participants activity under this campaign on a formal basis, described in details below.Through this marketing campaign we do ask you to create or invent any posts about our project. Also, we will not provide you with any monetary rewards for doing so.
The purpose of this marketing campaign is to spread the information about Socratus and share your HONEST opinion about the project and your experience with insurance services.
If you want to join our campaigns, please, read the rules carefully and follow them in order to avoid misunderstanding.
According to the legal limitations, the U.S. persons are not allowed to participate in the Socratus Bonus Program.
To participate in Bonus promotion you MUST fill the KYC form.
Rules:- Take the survey, honestly answer the questions: http://socratus.io/questionnaire.
- Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed, all related accounts will not be checked and will be deleted.
- Fake answers DO NOT count! Only fully answered questions will be rewarded.
You will receive 5 stake for this task.
- Have at least 300 friends and make privacy settings open for your page.
- Follow and Like Socratus official page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/socratus.io/
- Must Share & Like 5 posts weekly.
- Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed, all related accounts will not be checked and will be deleted.
- Please, post all the links to your work to this Bitcointalk thread at the end of every week.
If you have less than 1000 friends:
Share & Like post from the official FB page 1 stake.
If you have more than 1000 but less 4000 friends:
Share & Like post from the official FB page 2 stake.
If you have more than 4000 friends:
Share & Like post from the official FB page 5 stake.
- Have at least 300 followers and make privacy settings open for your account.
- Follow Socratus official Twitter: https://twitter.com/socratus_io
- Like & Retweet 5 posts per week.
- Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed, all related accounts will not be checked and will be deleted.
- Please post all the links to your work to this Bitcointalk thread at the end of every week.
If you have less than 1000 followers:
Retweet & Like tweet from the official Socratus Twitter feed 1 stake.
If you have more than 1000, but less 5000 followers:
Retweet & Like tweet from the official Socratus Twitter feed 2 stake.
If you have more than 5000 followers:
Retweet & Like tweet from the official Socratus Twitter feed 5 stake.
- Must subscribe to subreddit Socratus: https://www.reddit.com/user/socratus_io
- Must Share 5 posts weekly
- Give your honest opinion and write it in the comments section under any 5 posts of Socratus per week
- Any kind of spam will not be rewarded.
- Please post all the links to your work to this Bitcointalk thread at the end of every week.
5 stakes per 5 sharings and comments with your honest opinion
- Join the official telegram chat of Socratus and be active (DO NOT SEND BONUS RELATED QUESTIONS THERE) - https://t.me/socratus_io
- Posts must be at least 75 characters long.
- Give your honest opinion about the project while writing your posts. We appreciate both negative and positive opinions.
You will receive 1 stake for every post.
Fill out the form when you make a new post in our telegram chat, not before
- Jr Member: 0.5 Stake/ Week
- Member: 1 Stake/ Week
- Full Member: 1.5 Stakes/ Week
- Sr. Member: 1.75 Stakes/ Week
- Hero Member: 2 Stakes/ Week
- Legendary: 2.5 Stakes/ Week
- + 0.25 stakes per week, if you wear our Avatar
Rules:- Must wear Avatar
- Must make 15 posts per week
- Posts must be constructive and on topic
- Post must be 75 characters minimum
- Users not posting a minimum of 15 posts per week for 2 consecutive weeks will be removed
- 1 bitcointalk account per person (If you are found to be enrolling alts you and your alt are kicked out with no pay)
- You may not advertise any other sites in your signatures
- Posts in any signature campaign or other bonus related threads will not count
- We will only count 5 posts as a maximum on a local board per week
- Users may not change payment addresses. You will use the same address during the whole campaign
- Posts will be count after bonus promotion
If you want to join, first wear the signature based on your rank and then fill out the form.
Signature Code:
Jr. Member
▰▰▰▰ SOCRATUS win - win insurance ▰▰▰▰
▰▰▰▰ Digital insurance ecosystem ▰▰▰▰
http://socratus.io/[center]▰▰▰▰ SOCRATUS win - win insurance ▰▰▰▰
▰▰▰▰ Digital insurance ecosystem ▰▰▰▰
[center][url=http://socratus.io/] ▰▰▰▰ [b]SOCRATUS win - win insurance[/b] ▰▰▰▰[/url]
[url=http://socratus.io/wp/#rec52465908][b]White paper[/b][/url][url=http://socratus.io/] ▰▰▰▰ [b]Digital insurance ecosystem ▰▰▰▰ [/url][url=https://t.me/socratus_io][b]Telegram[/b][/url]
[url=http://socratus.io/][b] instant claim payment ● friendly prices ● fair and transparent-dealing [/b][/url] [/center]
Full Member
[center] [url=http://socratus.io/][color=#69b920]▰[/color][color=#53a32f]▰[/color][color=#3c8c3e]▰[/color][color=#26764d]▰[/color] [color=#000000][b]SOCRATUS win - win insurance[/b][/color] [color=#69b920]▰[/color][color=#53a32f]▰[/color][color=#3c8c3e]▰[/color][color=#26764d]▰[/color][/url]
[url=http://socratus.io/wp/#rec52465908][color=#26764d][b]White paper[/b][/url] [url=http://socratus.io/][color=#69b920]▰[/color][color=#53a32f]▰[/color][color=#3c8c3e]▰[/color][color=#26764d]▰[/color] [b][color=#69b920]D[/color][color=#64b423]i[/color][color=#5faf26]g[/color][color=#5bab2a]i[/color][color=#56a62d]t[/color][color=#51a130]a[/color][color=#4c9c33]l[/color] [color=#43933a]i[/color][color=#3e8e3d]n[/color][color=#398940]s[/color][color=#348443]u[/color][color=#308047]r[/color][color=#2b7b4a]a[/color][color=#26764d]n[/color][color=#246f48]c[/color][color=#226744]e[/color] [color=#1f583a]e[/color][color=#1d5136]c[/color][color=#1b4931]o[/color][color=#19422c]s[/color][color=#173a28]y[/color][color=#153323]s[/color][color=#132b1f]t[/color][color=#12241a]e[/color][color=#101c15]m[/color] [color=#69b920]▰[/color][color=#53a32f]▰[/color][color=#3c8c3e]▰[/color][color=#26764d]▰[/color][/url] [url=https://t.me/socratus_io][color=#26764d][b]Telegram[/b][/url]
[url=http://socratus.io/][b][color=black] instant claim payment [color=#add751]●[/color] friendly prices [color=#add751]●[/color] fair and transparent-dealing [/color][/b][/url]
Sr. Member