I would 100% agree on this. Countries that couldn't flourish even with enough resources wouldn't work well with cryptocurrency as well because it takes literacy and comprehension, something that may not be rampant within the confines of their territory. Improved state of education, jobs opportunities, clean and safe drinking water, lower crime rate, if at least a number of these are fulfilled a country is sure to develop and improve without the need for cryptocurrency's intervention, and if all of those are still an ongoing problem within a country, then we can safely assume crypto wouldn't do them any help at all.
There is a saying that says
"there are no stupid soldiers, except stupid leaders" in other words that the progress of a country and society in increasing its economic strength is with a leader who really has a goal to manage natural resources in his country. become the most reckoned resource in the eyes of the world.
Look at the middle east, they are said to be prosperous and have above average wealth because they manage the oil that is the focus of all countries and even used as a tool of war so that third parties can step in and take advantage of the oil extraction of natural resources.
To form an ideal country and also to grow a prosperous economy, the key is the welfare of the people who are already productive and no longer begging in their own country. Brand as many jobs as possible, prospering clothing, food and shelter. So if we look at the condition of society like that, there are no crimes of theft, murder and also things that are considered vile for the sake of a bite of rice.