I wasn't trying to suggest the humour content could not be copyright, but that generic diagrams would be difficult.
I would disagree entirely here. Though, yes generic diagrams of an org chart are absolutely not copyrightable, this image clearly is (in the US) for various reasons. First of all the humor, which went largely unchanged (only the change from Facebook to Bitcoin) and secondly the specific image itself. If the org charts were generic ones, fine, but this image isnt. Its a (possibly hand-drawn) specific layout of a set of org charts.
One the first point, a google image search returns lots of material, not all of which is the original with correct attribution - that doesn't appear to be an infringement worry for them.
As I pointed out previously, I have no concern over this causing any kind of legal issues, it would simply be nice to (attempt to) provide some form of recognition for the original author.
In any case, I think we agree here, though for different reasons, no point arguing any further.