This sort of attitude is why sales of accounts is frowned upon by a LARGE number of users here... There is only ONE reason for wanting to rank up a Bitcointalk account quickly... and that is simply so that one can participate in paid campaigns of one description or another without taking the time and putting in the effort. Generally, the only people who need/want to do this, are spammers and shitposters... and account sales simply encourages this unwanted behaviour. So, some DT members will tag these bought/sold accounts as red to discourage the practice.
The only other reason for buying an account is because you're trying to buy a "trusted" account so you can run a scam of some description by passing yourself off as "trusted" when you haven't actually earned that trust.
There are simply no other reasons for not wanting to take the time to rank up in a "natural" way.
I don't wanna argue with anyone when I posted my comment.
But I want to point out a few things about what you said.
1. You enlarged the word LARGE as if it proves anything. (pun intended) BUT IT DOES NOT. In Philosophy, that is what is called Argumentum ad Populum.
2. You emphasized that there is only ONE reason people are buying accounts. Really? Is that a law of nature discovered by scientists through scientific method? Or is it just a STUPID assumption of a LARGE number of average brained population?
3. You said there is only ONE reason people are buying accounts and later on, you mentioned the only OTHER reason. WTF!? Only ONE then another ONE? Make up your mind.
4. No other reasons for not ranking up in a natural way? How about a project deadline? How about the inability to post links, images, etc in a newbie account? And other reasons I cannot think of?
As you can see I only recently joined this forum so I am not familiar with everything. I visit this forum like 3 times a week. I do not spend my entire life here like the unpaid "police" members do.
I didn't know that a stupid assuming know-it-all class of people governs this forum.
What are DT members? Newbie here.