The only thing close to a programmer I know is my cousin who thinks 'programming' is hitting the shuffle button on his ipod.
I'm going crazy with all these maroons I must deal with everyday. The only purpose they have for a computer is to check what drama their facecrack whores are up to.
I'm sick of it and am willing to pay for a friend who's not a reTard.
The friend I want should know something about anything. Really...if you know something about anything, you may apply. Even if you think you know something , you may still be eligible.
I'm specifically looking for someone who knows anything about python or who has ever been bitten by one cuz that would be cool too.
Please respond with your qualifications below or send an IM. programming knowledge is limited to BASIC, Processing and 8086/88 Assembly but I can roll a Swisher while the dark...on icy roads (which does not prove I am not "tarded" too).
We Have a contender! Someone who can program a VIC-20!
I love BASIC myself... GOSUB FTW!
However, rolling a 'Swisher' when you need it, while you need it, is a talent to be admired indeed.
That was the thing I learned to program on in electronics in the 90's. I guess its an 8085...its still in my shop. Moved on to Arduino/Processing but I don't regret learning it.