Aerum is rewarding XRM tokens to its early supporters. Please follow the instruction below to know how to get rewarded by contributing in our Facebook Promotion Bounty! This bounty is powered by Crowdholding, the crypto co-creation platform -
https://www.crowdholding.comMAX 50,000 XRM ($3,000) & 40,000 YUP will be rewarded to those who share Aerum landing page (, and other Aerum related content below!
Your Facebook account must have minimum 100 followers/friends
Please note:
The participants will be rewarded in XRM Tokens for sharing Aerum on Facebook.
Each reward will be paid to a contributor depending on the number of stakes which he/she has collected. The limits of the stakes will vary between 5 and 15 XRM ($0.3 ~ $0.9)a stake. Thank you!
To participate -
1) Click onto Crowdholding via this link - and sign up (You can do this through facebook or Gmail)
2) Use the automated sharing application on the page
That's it!