BackgroundSyscoin Website White PapersSYSCOIN BOUNTY - 623,000As the community members keep adding to our Bounty, we are setting the following conditions taking into consideration the initial bounty was 200k raised by Sidhujag.
Bounty Reward:
High Severity - 300kYou are able to create/mint/double spend Syscoin or assets
Fork the network
Small - Medium - 50kLogic errors that may cause issues to the network
If there are multiple submissions then bounty will be split based on severity, lower severity gets less coins and higher severity gets more coins. Minimum of 300k SYS for high severity even if many submissions we will ensure high severity takes at least 300k SYS.
DEADLINEAug 10, 2019 10 PM UTC
The Syscoin Team and Community members have come together to offer
300,000 edit: 623,000 Syscoin to anyone that can break the bridge between Syscoin and Ethereum that is currently functional on Testnet right now. Please try if you are able to use linux and cmd line consoles to build, run and interact with software. It is meant for those who have knack for breaking stuff (you know who you are) + software architects that want to try to make a quick buck or just learn about some cool new tech.
Code LinksSyscoin Testnet SetupSyscoin BridgeTestnet ExplorerSuperBlock Agents Rinkeby ExplorerSYSX Rinkeby ExplorerThe rules are simple:Situation #1: You win if you own tSYS that you shouldn't own with an attack.
Situation #2: You offer a way to fork the Testnet Network.
ConditionsBeing a bad miner does not count as Testnet difficulty is low. But all else is fair game.
May the best hacker win! ContributionsSidhujag - 200k
Danosphere - 100k
Cryptoloot - 50k
BigPoppa - 45k
Zippyjetman - 5k
Babiko -5k
Nerzee - 4k
Locutus - 1k
Marys - 1k
Schlackyt - 2k
Johnp - 100k tbc/multisig wallet
Further 100k from Sidhujag
Coffeecupguru - 10k
Total:623,000 Syscoin
Wallet Address:3PvF2pmAJ3B1jtYUyuYwLbwL5cJWfPUqDE